Ortignano Raggiolo

Ortignano Raggiolo: a town in the Tuscan hills

Ortingnano Raggiolo is a small town in the province of Arezzo, born in 1873 from the merger of the previous municipalities of Ortignano and Raggiolo. The toponym of the village, first attested in 1247, probably derives from the name Hortinius, an important figure of ancient Rome, while Raggiolo takes its name from the Latin term "radius", which means boundary line.

Physical geography and climate

Ortignano Raggiolo is located in the Tuscan hills, at the foot of Pratomagno, and the municipality is crossed by the Teggina stream. The climate of the town is typically Mediterranean, with hot and dry summers and mild and humid winters. The average temperatures of the weather station, located in the Ortignano fraction, are about 28°C in summer and 10°C in winter.

Ortignano Raggiolo: a municipality among the Tuscan hills.


The coat of arms of the municipality of Ortignano Raggiolo dates back to 1965 when it was granted by decree of the president of the Republic. The coat of arms represents the emblems of the previous municipalities, with some variations. Ortignano has a lion without the quartered band crossed with silver and red, the coat of arms of the Guidi counts, while Raggiolo has a red hourglass on a silver field, a symbol of the Tarlati family's Biglietto.

Monuments and places of interest

Ortignano Raggiolo is rich in monuments and places of interest. Among the main churches in the town are the Church of Sant'Antonio, the Church of Saints Margherita and Matteo, and the Church of San Michele. Moreover, in Raggiolo, there is the Chestnut Museum, which shows all the phases of harvesting and processing this food. The village of Raggiolo, ranked among the most beautiful villages in Italy, is considered a main tourist attraction.

Society and culture

Ortignano Raggiolo has a population of about 844 inhabitants, with only 40 foreign residents, mostly of Romanian nationality. The Chestnut Museum is one of the main cultural attractions of the town and offers a didactic and a laboratory part. Furthermore, the village of Raggiolo has become an important tourist destination thanks to its beauty and uniqueness. The streets are only passable on foot, and the village welcomes a spread hotel and a restaurant, offering tourists a unique experience.

In summary, Ortignano Raggiolo is a municipality in Tuscany with a millennial history and an exceptional cultural and tourist heritage. The beauty of its monuments and the magic of the village of Raggiolo make it a perfect place for an unforgettable visit.

Federico Conte
Updated Thursday, Jul 28, 2022