Orsara Bormida

Orsara Bormida: A Picturesque Municipality

Hello friends! Today, I want to talk to you about Orsara Bormida, a picturesque municipality located in Piedmont, Italy. With only 410 inhabitants, it's the perfect place for those looking for a break from the frenetic city life. It's situated on the right bank of the Bormida, a river that serves as the perfect backdrop.

Monuments and Places of Interest

If you're a lover of architecture, you can't miss the local castle's watchtower, which dates back to 1000. In the 14th century, a second octagonal tower was added to the structure. The tower is part of the "Open Castles" system of Lower Piedmont and is a must-see for history buffs.

Orsara Bormida: picturesque destination of peace and tradition.


For statistics enthusiasts, there's an interesting demographic evolution to discover. Orsara Bormida currently has 410 inhabitants but has undergone a change in recent years, going from 516 inhabitants in 1931 to just over 400 today. This makes it an ideal place for those seeking a peaceful tranquility.


Orsara Bormida's culture is very much tied to Piedmontese traditions. Among the most important events, it's worth mentioning the "Sagra del Vitello Intero," where meat is slowly cooked with woodfire, preserving the flavor intact. Additionally, "San Martino" is celebrated on November 11th, and the city of Acqui Terme organizes the "Festa delle Feste" in September.


For those who want to learn more about Orsara Bormida's administration, here's a useful table listing all the administrations that have succeeded each other. Additionally, it should be noted that the city was part of the Piedmont Union of Castles between Orba and Bormida, along with five other towns: Trisobbio, Montaldo Bormida, Castelnuovo Bormida, Cremolino, and Carpeneto.

Notes and External Links

Finally, if you still have curiosity about Orsara Bormida, I suggest consulting the projects and external links listed here. There are useful links to deepen your knowledge, both in Italian and other languages.

I hope that after reading this summary, you've become interested in discovering Orsara Bormida. It's a truly special place, enveloped in relaxing tranquility and Piedmontese tradition. If you desire a break from the city, there's no better place to escape.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Tuesday, Feb 14, 2023