
Orotelli: the small municipality in the province of Nuoro

Let me introduce you to Orotelli, an Italian municipality with a population of approximately 1,894 inhabitants, located in the province of Nuoro, in the subregion of Barbagia. This characteristic village borders other municipalities such as Bono, Benetutti, Bottidda, Illorai, Oniferi and Orani, and since 2012 it has been part of the association Borghi Autentici d'Italia.

The physical geography of Orotelli

The center of the village is located on a small granite plateau, mainly consisting of the Serra d'Orotelli, located north of the town center. The territory follows a fold that slopes towards the northeast and southwest towards the plain of Ottana. This territory has led to the division of the center into two nuclei separated by this syncline: the ancient nucleus and the newest district of Mussinzua, developing towards the north in the direction of the state road 129 to Nuoro.

Orotelli: discover the history and beauty of this municipality in Barbagia.

The origins of the toponym

The origin of the toponym Orotelli is traced back to a Roman landowner named "Ortellius". The oldest documentation that attests to the toponym is found in the Condaghe of Santa Maria di Bonarcado, while on the Codex Diplomaticus Sardiniae, I 213/1, 215/2 of 1139 a bishop of Ortilli named Ugone is mentioned, who donates the church of Pietro apostolo in Ollin (today's San Pietro di Oddini rural church) to the Monastery of San Salvatore di Camaldoli. It is interesting to know that Orotelli was the temporary seat of the bishop of Ottana in the twelfth century, as shown by the fact that the village is never mentioned in the ''Rationes Decimarum Italiae, Sardinia'' of the fourteenth century.

Orotelli and its history

The center of Orotelli dates back to the Nuragic civilization, of which there are various archaeological evidences, including the small Nuraghe of Càlone and the other with a central tower and trilobed bastion of larger dimensions, located inside the natural park ''Sa Serra''. In the Middle Ages, Orotelli was part of the curatorship of Dore belonging to the Giudicato of Torres, then passed to the Kingdom of Arborea, and subsequently to the Crown of Aragon in 1617. Then, the village was incorporated into the Marchesato of Orani, passing to the De Silva family and following its vicissitudes until 1839, when it was redeemed from the last feudatories. The ancient presence of various villages inhabited in the Middle Ages is attested by the presence of numerous rural churches, such as that of San Pietro di Oddini, from the eponymous village of Oddini, and that of Nostra Signora di Sinne. Among the other villages of which only the place names remain, we can remember: Arae, Forolo, Idili, Miale and Santu Chiricu.

Curiosities and legends of Orotelli

Every village has its legends, and Orotelli is no exception: one of them tells the story of a shepherd from a nearby village who lost his flocks and found them at a watering hole known as "Iscathai". Today, Iscathai has become a district in the center of Orotelli.

In conclusion, Orotelli is a small treasure of the province of Nuoro that offers historical and naturalistic treasures. In Orotelli, you can breathe the peace and tranquility of provincial life, but also enjoy the beauty of its landscapes and surrounding localities, with its numerous villages and monuments. I highly recommend Orotelli as a destination for those who want to discover the true charm of Sardinia!

Veronica Vitale
Updated Saturday, Mar 5, 2022