Orio Litta

Welcome to Orio Litta: a brief overview

Hello everyone! Today we will talk about the municipality of Orio Litta, located in the province of Lodi, Lombardy. This small town, with its 2002 inhabitants, has an ancient history that dates back to Roman times. In fact, at that time, the area on which Orio Litta now stands was marshy and was used as a stable and granary for travelers who traveled the SS 234 Codognese.

But things have changed thanks to the Benedectinis of the Church of San Pietro Apostolo who, starting from 885, reclaimed the area and made the birth of a settlement possible.

History of Orio Litta

Over the centuries, the small municipality of Orio Litta has had to face various conflicts and wars, including the wars between Lombard municipalities and the empire. However, thanks to the passage of different noble families, the town developed and reached its height of greatness in the XVIII century, during the Cavazzi domination.

In 1863, the municipality took on the official name of Orio Litta to distinguish itself from other places with the same name. The name probably derives from the word "hordeum" or "horreum", meaning granary, and from the Litta family.

Orio Litta: History, Monuments and Daily Life.

Monuments and places of interest

Orio Litta boasts several tourist attractions, including the magnificent Villa Litta Carini, built in late baroque style and now open for guided visits. The parish church of San Giovanni Battista is another important tourist destination, as well as the Benedectine Grangia, which was a Benedectine settlement in the X century and is now a visitable farmhouse. Its tower is a distinctive element of the Orio Litta landscape: in fact, from its second floor it is possible to enjoy a spectacular sunset view over the plain of the Lambro river.

Society of Orio Litta

Like any other community, Orio Litta has undergone demographic changes over the years. Currently, foreigners represent 11.07% of the total population, with Egyptians, Albanians, Romanians, Indians, and Moroccans among the most represented nationalities. Orio Litta's economy is mainly based on agriculture, but there are also some small craft and commercial businesses.

Infrastructure and transport

Orio Litta is well connected to neighboring towns thanks to the presence of the railway station, which is on the Pavia-Cremona Railway line and is part of the Treno regionale (Italy) Pavia-Codogno system. In addition, the SS 234 Codognese crosses the town.

Administration and environment

The management of the municipality of Orio Litta is entrusted to the local administration. To the west of the town flows the last stretch of the Lambro river, which is an important natural resource for the area. In addition, in Orio Litta there is also a purifier that deals with the treatment of wastewater.


Well, this is Orio Litta! A small jewel hidden in the heart of Lombardy, with its millennial history, its monuments, and its suggestive landscapes. If you feel like discovering a corner of Italy outside the usual tourist circuits, I recommend you to visit Orio Litta. I am sure you will not regret it!

Sara Esposito
Wrote by Sara Esposito
Updated Friday, Feb 18, 2022