
Discover Orino: a hidden treasure in the Parco Regionale Campo dei Fiori

If you're searching for a little gem of a town in Lombardy to explore, you should visit Orino. This town of 815 inhabitants is located in the province of Varese and is situated within the Parco regionale Campo dei Fiori, a vast protected natural area. Here you can discover a great variety of monuments and places of interest that tell the story and culture of Orino.

Monuments and places of interest

A perfect starting point for your visit is the Rocca di Orino, located to the northeast of the town. This fortress is believed to date back to the 3rd century BCE and was defended by powerful towers. After a series of renovation works carried out in the Visconti-Sforza era, the fortress was occupied by Swiss troops in 1513. The series of occupations caused the dismantling of the Rocca, which was restored in the last century by the then owner and continues today thanks to the work of the new owner. Local legends tell the tale of a ghost that haunts the Rocca.

Among the other cultural, environmental, and historical places of interest to discover in Orino is the parish church dedicated to the Immaculate Conception, built in the 16th century in mid-17th century Baroque style. In the locality of San Lorenzo, you can find the Church of San Lorenzo, documented since the 14th century, which stands on the hill where it is said that the appearance of the saint enveloped in flames in 389 CE caused the Arians who had occupied the Rocca to flee. In front of the Church of San Lorenzo stands a two-hundred-year-old linden tree that has been listed as a Monumental Tree by the Parco Regionale Campo dei Fiori.

Orino: Hidden treasure of Campo dei Fiori Park.

Society and demographic evolution

Orino has a long history behind it, and the first municipal council was elected in 1831. It is precisely thanks to this long history that we can admire the beauty of this town today. In the past, Orino was a much-loved vacation spot for vacationers from the Varese area and the Alto Milanese. The demographic evolution over time tells us that the town has undergone numerous fluctuations. In 1751, the population was 356 inhabitants, while in 1853 it had grown to 460. In the 1920s, Orino was incorporated into Orino-Azzio and then, in 1956, it was reinstated as an autonomous municipality.

The Parco Regionale Campo dei Fiori

The Parco Regionale Campo dei Fiori is a vast protected natural area that covers much of the municipal territory of Orino. In this area, you can take beautiful walks among forests, trails, and hills where you can admire the characteristic flora and fauna of the area. One of the most interesting attractions in the area is the Forte di Orino, at an altitude of 1,139 meters above sea level, which was one of the strongholds of Linea Cadorna made to prevent Austro-German invasions during World War I.


Orino is a hidden treasure among the hills of Lombardy and makes for a perfect destination for a day trip. With the Rocca di Orino, the ancient churches, the unique fauna and flora, and the Parco Regionale Campo dei Fiori, there is much to discover and admire. If you're looking for a place to spend a day immersed in nature and history, Orino is the right place for you.

Fabio Marino
Wrote by Fabio Marino
Updated Sunday, Mar 20, 2022