
Welcome to Orgiano, between Venetian hills and plains

Orgiano is a municipality located about 30 kilometers south of Vicenza, in the Veneto region, which includes both the slopes of the Berici Hills and the plain below. In this environment, which blends nature with human presence, there are rows of vineyards, olive trees, figs, corn, pastures, and open fields. The village also boasts an important historical heritage, including medieval castles, churches, and Venetian villas, such as Villa Fracanzan Piovene.

Exploring the physical geography of Orgiano

The physical geography of Orgiano is very interesting: the territory was once close to the sea and, therefore, there are fossil finds dating back 50-60 million years ago. Monte delle Piume has some suggestive nature trails, with tree species such as almond trees, Judas trees, holly, cassia, oak, and Cotinus coggygria, which changes color in the fall. At the edge of the plain, there are centuries-old mulberry trees, which were once used for silkworm breeding. The Grotta Azzurra (Blue Cave), on the other hand, is a hollow in the rock used as a backdrop for outdoor shows, while the Laguna Blu (Blue Lagoon) is a sports lake suitable for fishing.

Orgiano: between nature, history and Venetian traditions

A dive into the history of Orgiano

The origin of the settlement of Orgiano is very ancient, although there are no documents or artifacts from that time. It is known to have been founded by the Veneti from Este, who then allied with the Romans and were subjugated by them from the 2nd century BC. In the Middle Ages, two castles were built, one on a hill below the church and the other near the village center. In 753, Saint Anselm of Nonantola donated properties to the abbey of Nonantola, including those of Orgiano and Sossano.

Notes on the culture and artistic heritage of Orgiano

Orgiano has numerous ancient churches and palaces. These include the church of Sant'Anna, dating back to the 8th century, and the church of San Giovanni Battista, located on a hill and dating back to the 12th century. The bell tower was built in the 13th century and the bell tower in the 17th century. Also interesting are the churches of San Cristoforo in the hamlet of Cornedo and San Rocco in the hamlet of Porciglia. In addition, the hamlet of Campagnola houses the imposing Villa Fracanzan Piovene.

Traditions and events in Orgiano

Orgiano has numerous cultural and religious events. In particular, there is the festival of Saints Anna and Joachim at the end of July, the festival of melons and other local products at the end of August, the festival of the Madonna del Rosario in October, and the festival of San Martino in November. Additionally, every year, a vintage car rally is organized by the local sports association.


Orgiano is an Italian municipality located in a strategic position between the Berici Hills and the Venetian plain, characterized by the presence of a very important natural and artistic heritage. In the territory, there are castles, churches, ancient palaces, and a wide exhibition of nature and local religions. In short, it is a place to visit absolutely for anyone who wants to enjoy the beauty of Veneto.

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Monday, Mar 28, 2022