
Welcome to Ordona!

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about a small town in Puglia called Ordona. With its 2816 inhabitants, this village is located in the province of Foggia, on the hills halfway between the plain and the archaeological sites of ancient Herdonia.

Ordona: history and geography of a small town in Apulia.

Physical geography


The territory of Ordona is characterized by the first undulations of the central-southern Tavoliere delle Puglie, which give it a very suggestive hilly landscape to discover.


But let's talk about the climate. Being in Italy, we could only expect a Mediterranean climate! In fact, during the summer, temperatures can reach up to 35°C, while during the winter, temperatures are generally mild and around 10°C.


Roman age

But let's get to the heart of Ordona's history. In ancient times, Herdonia was the scene of two important battles between Romans and Carthaginians led by Hannibal, respectively in 212 BC and 210 BC. After the Romans' defeat in the famous Battle of Cannae, Hannibal moved towards Herdonia, where he won again against the Romans. But despite the defeat, Herdonia remained loyal to the Roman Republic, and this drew Hannibal's wrath. The city was indeed destroyed at his request and only after 89 BC it was refounded as a Municipium.

Roman Empire

During the Roman Empire, Herdonia experienced its maximum phase of development and prosperity, thanks to the construction of the Trajan's Way and the Herdonitan Way. The city became an important center of transit and commerce for the agricultural products of the Tavoliere delle Puglie.


Here is a brief introduction to the history and geography of Ordona. I hope you enjoyed the article and that, perhaps, you are curious enough to want to visit this small Pugliese municipality. See you next time!

Federico Conte
Updated Tuesday, Feb 14, 2023