
The Bolzano Cathedral: a millennial history

The Bolzano Cathedral is the main place of worship in the city and a site of great historical and artistic interest, as it was built on the foundations of churches dating back to the 4th century AD.

The Early Christian Basilica: 4th Century

The oldest church dates back to the 4th century and was probably consecrated to Saint Vigilius. It was divided into three rooms by dividing walls, with the side walls equipped with 8 buttresses. Its structure follows the typical Eastern building style of the Noricum and Aquileia areas. Next to the basilica there was also a small tomb, as testified by the inscription of "Secundus Regontius".

The Cathedral of Bolzano: millenary history and Gothic art.

The High Medieval Church: 8th Century

Under the flooring of the Cathedral, a wall dating back to the Carolingian era was found, together with five fragments of wall painting portraying faces turned to prayer. This shows that after the barbarian invasions, the population of Bolzano permanently settled in the basin, forming a pre-urban village.

The First Medieval Church: 11th-12th Century

The foundations of a medieval church with a particular plan were found, equipped with a row of columns and a massive tower to protect it from the floods of the Isarco. This church was built in the Romanesque style.

The Bolzano Cathedral

The Bolzano Cathedral underwent numerous changes and renovations over the centuries, combining different styles and influences.

The Construction of the Cathedral

In 1184, the church of Santa Maria Assunta was built in the Romanesque style, which became the city's cathedral. In 1237, the church passed into the ownership of the Teutonic Order and underwent a series of renovation works in this new style. In 1350, an earthquake severely damaged the church, which was rebuilt in the Gothic style. In 1399, the bell tower was erected.

The Facade of the Cathedral

The facade of the Cathedral still retains elements of Romanesque architecture, but is mainly in the Gothic style. On top, a beautiful rose window decorated with stone inlays can be admired. Below, there are two portals, both in the Gothic style. The main one is decorated with sculptures representing scenes from the life of Mary.

The Interiors of the Cathedral

Inside the Cathedral, there are numerous works of art. Among the most important are the frescoes of the Marian cycle, decorating the vault of the main nave, created by the German artist Hans von Bruneck in the 14th century. There are also two paintings by the Nazarene painter Peter von Cornelius, depicting the stories of the Blessed Albertus Magnus and Saint Vigilius.

Curiosities about the Cathedral

The Bolzano Cathedral has undergone many damages and renovations over the centuries. In particular, during World War II, the Cathedral was severely damaged by Allied bombings in 1944. During the restoration works, the ancient foundations of three other churches were discovered.

The Bolzano Cathedral Today

Today, the Bolzano Cathedral is still the main place of worship in the city and a tourist destination of great artistic and historical interest.

The Main Celebrations

The Bolzano Cathedral is the place where the main celebrations of the Bolzano-Bressanone diocese are held. Among these, there are the midnight mass of Christmas, the Holy Thursday Mass, the Good Friday Mass and the Holy Easter Mass.

The Role of the Cathedral in the Community

The Bolzano Cathedral is not just a place of worship, but also plays a fundamental role in the life of the community. The Cathedral is, in fact, a cultural and religious center, organizing numerous events of artistic, musical, and cultural nature.

Visiting the Cathedral

The Bolzano Cathedral is open to the public every day of the week. It is possible to visit the interiors of the church, admire the numerous works of art, and learn about its millennial history. Moreover, during the summer, the Cathedral hosts numerous concerts of sacred and classical music.


The Bolzano Cathedral is a site of great historical, artistic, and religious interest. Its millennial history, which starts from the ancient foundations of the Early Christian churches, makes it a unique and suggestive place. Visiting the Cathedral is an experience that enriches the soul and the mind, allowing discovering the wonders of the art and history of this beautiful city.

Giovanni Rinaldi
Updated Thursday, Dec 8, 2022