Oppido Lucano

Discovering Oppido Lucano

Oppido Lucano is a quaint town located in the Basilicata region, in the province of Potenza. With a population of 3,593 inhabitants, the town became famous thanks to the deeds of Giovanni da Oppido, also known as Obadiah the Proselyte, one of the first to transcribe Jewish tradition songs into Gregorian chant musical notation.

But Oppido Lucano is so much more! Let's discover together the features of the territory and the town.

Physical Geography

Oppido Lucano: landscape, culture and traditions in Basilicata.


The municipality of Oppido Lucano extends over an area of 54 km², characterized by a hilly landscape on which the Montrone mountain (762 m above sea level) stands. Here, along its slopes, most of the residential area develops. The territory is crossed by the Bradano river and its tributaries Alvo and Gammarara.

Despite the limited presence of forests, the beauty of this land can be admired thanks to the rather extensive plains, located on various levels along the course of the Bradano river. The territory of Oppido Lucano is often used for agriculture and presents numerous nature trails.

Historic Center

The village stands on the spur of the Montrone mountain and is a prototype of the condition of Lucanian settlements with its possibilities and its limits. The historic center of Oppido Lucano is characterized by alleys, staircases, dilapidated houses, and noble palaces. All this gives the town its own historical and cultural identity, which must not be underestimated.

The historic center of Oppido Lucano is a fabulous place for a walk immersed in the past. Discover the numerous churches and characteristic houses, plunging into an authentic Italian experience.

Agro of Oppido Lucano

The agro of Oppido Lucano is included in the band of the territory of Fossa Bradanica. This territory is delimited to the east by the counterforts of the Murgia, to the west by the almost impervious and higher Serre di Vaglio, with Moltone as a foothold.

The agro of Oppido Lucano is surrounded by numerous municipalities, including Pietragalla, Tolve, and Irsina. The territory can be divided into two distinct zones. The high part, which surrounds the village, is formed by the emergencies of Cugno del Petrito, Montrone, and Monte di Belvedere. The low part, instead, presents numerous emergencies including Serra Martino and Canaparo.

Culture and Traditions

The historic center of Oppido Lucano is characterized by a strong historical and cultural identity. There are numerous churches, which integrate perfectly with the architecture of the village. Among the most beautiful is the Mother Church of San Nicola di Bari, from the seventeenth century and rebuilt in the eighteenth century.

The culture of Oppido Lucano has been influenced by a past rich in traditions and faith. Religious structures are still today the focal point of cultural activities, and numerous festivals are held that lead visitors to discover local traditions and specialties.

The feast of San Rocco represents an unmissable event for the inhabitants of Oppido Lucano and visitors. The festival is celebrated every year on August 16th and is dedicated to San Rocco, protector of animals and the sick.

What to do and see

The panoramic view

To enjoy a beautiful panoramic view of Oppido Lucano, one can climb Mount Montrone. From here, it is possible to admire the beauty of the territory and the surrounding region.

The Sanctuary of Maria Santissima del Belvedere

Belvedere is a hilly area near Oppido Lucano. On its summit stands the Sanctuary of Maria Santissima del Belvedere, patron saint of the city of Oppido Lucano. The sanctuary was built in 1750 and has recently been restored.

The historic center

The historic center of Oppido Lucano is a suggestive and charming place. Choose to stroll among typical Lucanian houses and the numerous churches present.


Oppido Lucano is a hidden gem of Basilicata. This town offers visitors the opportunity to discover numerous natural and cultural beauties. Enjoy a walk in the historic center, immerse yourself in the atmosphere of traditional festivals or admire the panoramic view from Mount Montrone. Oppido Lucano is waiting for you!

Antonio Bruno
Wrote by Antonio Bruno
Updated Sunday, Jan 29, 2023