
Discovering Onzo

Hello everyone! Today I'll talk about Onzo, a small town with only 221 inhabitants located in Liguria, in the Savona province.

Onzo's Geography

Onzo's geographical location is really suggestive: it is situated in the high Arroscia valley, about 410 meters above sea level and surrounded by nature. The Castell'Ermo mountain, also known as ''Peso Grande'' and 1092 meters high, dominates the area. Near the urban area of Menezzo there is an artificial basin, which is an important reservoir for agricultural and horticultural crops in the area. But not only that: this place is also a real tourist attraction, thanks to its enchanting landscape.

Onzo: History and Beauty of Liguria

Onzo's History

Another reason why I love Onzo so much is its very interesting history. Its origin dates back to the year 1000 when the place was called Onze, which derived from the eleventh municipality of Clavesana Marquisate. It was under the dominion of Bonifacio del Vasto in 1091 and the Clavesana family in the 12th century, who ceded it to the Republic of Genoa in 1393.

In 1402 it became a fief of the Finale Marquisate and the Del Carretto family. However, in 1581 the feudal dominion ceased and it returned under the Genoese Republic which subjected it to the jurisdiction of the Pieve di Teco captaincy. On September 4 of the same year, Onzo became a free municipality thanks to its statute.

Legend has it that this success was due to the population of Onzo, exasperated by the fact that the feudal lord (Scipione Del Carretto) intended to exercise the ''ius primae noctis''. For this reason, the population rebelled and attacked the castle at night, forcing the lord to flee and looting the structure. The feudal lord then sold the territory of Onzo to the Republic of Genoa, but the population regained the entire country and lands.

Onzo's statutes, signed by Chancellor Nicolò Zignago, were the regulatory basis for the management of the village during the period called the "Time of the Republic of Onzo". In this period, the municipality was governed independently, except for the most serious criminal offenses, managed by the Genoese captain of Pieve di Teco, until the Napoleonic domination of the late 18th century.

Onzo during the French domination

Subsequently, with the French domination, the territory of Onzo acquired its own administrative autonomy compared to the Pieve municipality and from December 2, 1797, it was part of the department of Letimbro with Savona as its capital, within the Ligurian Republic. From April 28, 1798, it was part of the V Canton, with Onzo as its capital, of the Centa Jurisdiction and from 1803 the main center of the IV Canton of Centa in the Jurisdiction of the Ulivi.

Onzo today

Today, Onzo is a peaceful place, ideal for those who want to enjoy nature and silence. Walking through the streets of the municipality makes you feel like going back in time. The beautiful shop in the village is one of the places not to be missed, where you can buy local typical products, such as dried figs and almond sweets. The inhabitants are very friendly and helpful, and even though the town is small, you will always find someone willing to give you a hand.


In conclusion, if you feel like discovering a fascinating place with an ancient spirit, Onzo is the perfect choice. You can admire the beauty of the mountains and enjoy local products, immersed in the tranquility of nature. I highly recommend visiting this place at least once in a lifetime. You will not regret it!

Laura De Luca
Wrote by Laura De Luca
Updated Sunday, Jun 26, 2022