Occhieppo Superiore

Occhieppo Superiore: the ancient Piemontese municipality with an uncertain name

If you're searching for a place to immerse yourself in the authentic and rich history of Italy, Occhieppo Superiore is the place for you. This Italian town is located in the province of Biella in Piemonte and is home to approximately 2,635 residents. However, its name is the subject of debate and has uncertain origins.

According to local tradition, the toponym may derive from the Latin "cippus" (stump), used to prevent the escape of prisoners. In fact, Occhieppo Superiore is said to have hosted Roman prisons. In support of this hypothesis, the municipality's coat of arms depicts an eye above prisons. Other linguistic theories suggest derivations from ancient Roman names such as "Octavius" or "Occlivius" or from the Celtic language.

Physical geography between Mount Mucrone and Elvo stream

The historic center of Occhieppo Superiore rises from the slopes of Mount Mucrone, to the left of the Elvo river. Thanks to its strategic position, the municipality has a rich history and important monuments.

Occhieppo Superiore: between uncertain history and ancient monuments.

From Roman civilization to medieval fortifications

Pliny the Elder and Strabo testify to the existence of cavities where gold mines were present in the Biella area - the precious metal was extracted from rivers. The first historical documentation of Occhieppo Superiore dates back to the 11th century, but the local parish is also mentioned in a bull by Pope Innocent III in 1208. In the 12th century, the Rocca di Santo Stefano, a fortification that served to defend the territory from possible assaults from Canavese, was built. However, the complex was destroyed during the War of the League of Cognac in 1527.

An official coat of arms and banner

The official symbol of Occhieppo Superiore is a municipal coat of arms whose origin dates back several centuries. Granted with a decree by the President of the Republic in 1996, the coat of arms depicts an eye above a castle and prisons. The banner, the azure drapery representing the municipality, is present on official occasions.

Architectural and religious treasures

Occhieppo Superiore preserves numerous churches dating back to the 16th and 17th centuries, many of which are in Baroque style. The most important is the church of Santo Stefano with its bell tower, dating back to the 17th century. The facade, on the other hand, was built about a century later. The Church of the Blessed Virgin of Grace is also interesting for its typical Baroque architecture.

If you love Italy for its history and treasures, Occhieppo Superiore is definitely a place you can't miss. Stroll through the streets of the historic village and admire the monuments that testify to its historical importance.

Andrea Fontana
Updated Friday, Oct 28, 2022