
Reggio Emilia: City of Tricolore and More

Reggio Emilia, also known as Rèz in the Reggiano dialect, is a city located in the heart of the historical region of Emilia in Emilia-Romagna. The city boasts of being the birthplace of the Italian flag, the Tricolore, which was first displayed on January 7th, 1797 in the eighteenth-century Tricolore Hall of the City Council. But that's not all, the city is renowned for Parmigiano Reggiano and for its pedagogical teaching method called the Reggio Emilia Approach. Reggio Emilia also played an important role in the Italian Resistance during World War II.

Physical Geography

Reggio Emilia is located in the Po Valley and is crossed by the Crostolo stream. The municipal territory is completely flat and borders numerous cities, including Parma and Modena. The first foothills of the Reggio Emilia Apennines develop about 10 kilometers south of the municipal territory. The city has a temperate continental climate, with hot summers and cold winters with frequent frosts. Rain is distributed throughout the year, but it mainly concentrates in autumn and spring.

Reggio Emilia: history, culture, and nature.

History and Culture

The city has a rich history dating back to the Roman Empire when it was founded by Marco Emilio Lepido along the Emilia road, an ancient road that connected Piacenza to Rimini. Reggio Emilia is famous for being the city of Tricolore, whose flag was first displayed in the eighteenth-century Tricolore Hall of the City Council. The city is also the birthplace of Parmigiano Reggiano, one of the most famous Italian cheeses in the world. In addition to these peculiarities, Reggio Emilia is known for the Reggio Emilia Approach, a pedagogical method that values the creativity and imagination of children.

City Decorated for Military Valour for the Italian Resistance

During World War II, Reggio Emilia was one of the cities that played an important role in the Italian Resistance. After the war, it was decorated for military valour for its significant contribution to the struggle for freedom and independence of Italy.


Reggio Emilia is a city that combines history, culture, and nature. With its temperate continental climate, the city offers a wide variety of landscapes and activities, offering its inhabitants and tourists the opportunity to discover its rich history and culinary tradition. We hope we have made you appreciate the beauties of this splendid city and encourage you to visit it as soon as possible!

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Wednesday, Nov 30, 2022