Novate Milanese

Welcome to Novate Milanese: a flat city in Lombardy, rich in history and nature.

Hello everyone! Welcome to Novate Milanese, a town located north of the center of Milan. Here you will find a completely flat territory crossed by the streams Garbogera and Pudiga, famous for its E, 2404 GR/G climate classification.

But not only that, Novate is also famous for the large flat agricultural area called the Balossa Park, established in 2006 in the territory of the municipalities of Novate and Cormano.

In this article, we will also give you some information about the rich history of Novate Milanese, so stay tuned!

The history of Novate Milanese

The name "Novate" comes from the Latin "novatum", which means "land restored to cultivation after a period of rest". The territory of Novate has always maintained an important rural activity, which makes the etymology of the toponym very likely.

The presence of Novate Milanese is mentioned for the first time in a document from 877.

The town was part of the Martesana county until 1385, when it was added, together with the parish of Bollate, to the county of Milan.

The most important historical-cultural monument in Novate Milanese is the oratory of Saints Nazario and Celso, also known as the little church. Located at the intersection of Via Roma and Via Garibaldi, it contains two seventeenth-century canvases of considerable artistic value: "Madonna with Child and Saints Nazario and Celso" (painted between 1603 and 1613) and "Saint Anthony of Padua" (painted before 1697). In 2004, the burial of the Duke Senator Bernardino Busti, the wealthy man who ordered the construction of the little church, was discovered. The tomb is still in excellent condition and his remains were moved elsewhere.

Another artistic highlight in Novate Milanese is the seventeenth-century popular devotion fresco depicting the Madonna and Child with some Saints. This fresco is located at the intersection of Via Roma and Via Madonnina and is in a state of serious deterioration. Although no longer visible, as it has been covered with a tempura canvas of low artistic value, it is still a historical and cultural testimony for Novate Milanese.

Since 1862, the town has been called Novate Milanese, to distinguish it from Novate Mezzola in the Province of Sondrio and the current Novate Brianza, a fraction of the municipality of Merate in the Province of Lecco.

Novate Milanese: history, nature, and relaxation.

Novate Milanese: its location

As mentioned, Novate Milanese is located north of the center of Milan and has about 11,000 inhabitants. Its strategic position makes it a quiet but well-connected area.

There are many shops and businesses in the area and proximity to the metropolis greatly increases the opportunities for commercial activities.

The nature of Novate Milanese

Despite the flat territory, there is no shortage of nature in Novate Milanese! The presence of the Balossa Park, a vast flat agricultural area of ​​nature, gives citizens and visitors a great deal of opportunities for outdoor activities.

The park covers an area of ​​over 1200 square kilometers and borders the Olona river. Here you can take long walks or activities such as birdwatching, or relax along the green areas carefully maintained by the city.


In conclusion, Novate Milanese is a place with a very rich history and a flat habitat, but still able to offer excellent opportunities for those looking for some nature and relaxation. The territory of the municipality has always maintained an important rural activity, as evidenced by the toponym "Novatum".

We are sure that a visit to Novate Milanese will offer you many opportunities to learn about its history and have fun outdoors in Balossa Park. We hope to see you soon in our city!

Elisa Lombardi
Updated Saturday, Jun 11, 2022