
Welcome to Novafeltria, a town in the heart of Valmarecchia

Novafeltria, previously known as Mercatino Marecchia, is a small town of 7,046 inhabitants situated in the province of Rimini, Emilia-Romagna. It is located in the center of the high Valmarecchia, an area crossed by the Marecchia river which flows into the Adriatic Sea at Rimini. The city is considered a convergence center of numerous economic activities of Valmarecchia, a region located between the Marche, Tuscany and Emilia-Romagna regions.

The physical geography of Novafeltria

Novafeltria is located on the SS 258 Marecchia state road and its municipal territory also includes an exclave, identifiable in the fractions of Secchiano and Uffogliano. These are located between the municipalities of Talamello, San Leo (Italy), Poggio Torriana and Sogliano al Rubicone. The village is surrounded by a beautiful view of mountains and valleys. The most famous location is Mount Pincio (900 meters above sea level), which overlooks it and is characterized by a chestnut grove and a vast pine forest, where the adventure park is located.

Novafeltria: history, nature and culture in the heart of Valmarecchia.

The history of Novafeltria

Novafeltria has ancient roots dating back to 950 AD, when the church of San Pietro in Culto and the oratory of Santa Marina were built. Later chosen by the Counts Segni of Bologna as their residence, it was the scene of great fairs, especially in August. The city acquired its current identity in 1907, when it was formed by the union of some fractions detached from the municipality of Talamello. From 1922 to 1960, Novafeltria was connected via the Rimini-Novafeltria railway to the Adriatic coast. However, the city remained historically linked to the Marche region until 2009 when it was detached together with six other municipalities in Valmarecchia.

The society of Novafeltria

Demographic evolution

In terms of demography, Novafeltria has a population of 7,046 inhabitants. Italian is the official language but the local variant of the Romagna language is also spoken. It is important to note the notable linguistic characteristic of Mercatinese, shared with other dialects of Alta Valmarecchia, which has only partially welcomed the northern sonorization.

The administration of Novafeltria

From an administrative point of view, Novafeltria has undergone several changes in recent years. The following is a detailed table of the various administrations that have succeeded:


Sports in Novafeltria


In terms of sports, football is the most popular sport in the city. The football team of Vis Novafeltria, founded in 2011, plays in Promotion and the social colors are blue and yellow. The previous sports company, on the other hand, was born from the ashes of AC Perticara, at the time of the closure of the sulfur mine.


In summary, Novafeltria is a small town with an important history dating back to 950 AD. The city has historical roots between the Marche, Tuscany and Emilia-Romagna regions and offers numerous economic activities for its inhabitants. In addition to the beautiful view of the mountains and valleys, Novafeltria also has a rich culture and linguistic heritage. The city also offers some sports opportunities, with a football team playing in Promotion.

Sara Esposito
Wrote by Sara Esposito
Updated Thursday, Nov 17, 2022