
Discovering Norcia: a natural treasure

Norcia is a small Italian town located in the province of Perugia, in the Umbria region. With its 4567 inhabitants, Norcia is the easternmost municipality of the region, bordering Lazio and Marche. Its geographical location makes it a meeting point between two very different landscape realities: Valnerina and the Sibillini Mountains. In this summary, I will take you on a journey to discover the natural beauties that Norcia offers.

Physical geography

Norcia: nature and landscapes between Valnerina and Monti Sibillini.


The territory of Norcia is characterized by two different landscape realities: Valnerina and the Sibillini Mountains. Valnerina is a narrow valley carved out by the Nera River and its tributaries. Its mountain slopes are covered with deciduous vegetation, while the Sibillini Mountains are characterized by peaks that can exceed 2000 meters in height, with grassy and rounded slopes carved by glacial and wind action.

In the surrounding mountainous area, there are forests populated by roe deer, wild cats, and squirrels. Thanks to repopulation efforts, the wild boar has also made a comeback. In the high mountain beech forests, it is possible to admire small packs of wolves, which live in difficult balance with human presence mainly related to pastoralism. Among the bird species present in the area, the golden eagle, falcon, and woodpecker stand out.

Near the summit of Mount Vettore, there is Lake Pilato, a small lake whose level varies, fed by snowmelt. Here, it is possible to admire an endemic species of crustacean: Chirocephalus marchesonii.

Karst phenomena

Karst phenomena are very frequent in the Norcia area. In the vicinity of the urban center, they give rise to resurgences locally called "marcite," areas where water floods large areas of land continuously and controlled for long periods of the year. In the higher parts of the mountain, they manifest themselves with the presence of numerous swallow holes that are visible for extension and morphology.

Castelluccio Plain

The Castelluccio Plain is another natural attraction in Norcia. This area is made up of a system of several glacial basins emptied in the geological era following a series of tectonic disturbances. The plateau stretches in a North-South direction for about 20 km and takes its name from the small village occupying one of its marginal limestone summits.

Here, it is possible to admire numerous species of mountain flora and fauna, including artemisia, anemones, gentians, and the martagon lily.


Norcia is a natural treasure in Umbria, where it is possible to admire a wide range of mountain landscapes, lakes, and forests. In the area, there are numerous species of mountain animals and plants, which make it an ideal destination for nature lovers. The presence of karst phenomena and the Castelluccio plateau are other natural attractions not to be missed. If you are looking for a true nature-immersed experience, Norcia is the place for you!

Federico Conte
Updated Sunday, Oct 9, 2022