
Welcome to Nomi!

Hello friends, today we will talk about Nomi, a common Italian town located in the province of Trento, about 20 km southwest of the city of Trento. The town has 1302 inhabitants and is crossed by the Adige river.


In 1989, the coat of arms of the Municipality was adopted, which represents a decorative motif typical of mountain traditions. The flag, instead, is red.

Discover the beauties of Nomi, in the province of Trento.

Monuments and places of interest

If you are passionate about art and history, do not miss the Church of Madonna della Consolazione in Nomi. Here you can admire 15th century works of art, including a precious canvas. The Rosary altar, on the other hand, was created by the famous Baroque sculptor Domenico Sartori in the 18th century. For lovers of ancient architecture, I recommend a visit to the Palazzo Vecchio in Nomi, a fortified residence dating back to the Renaissance period. This castle, in the past, hosted the nobility of the time. The round tower of the palace is particularly famous because, during the peasants' war in 1525, the feudal lord Pietro Busio was burned alive there.


Nomi is one of the seven Lagarini municipalities that were part of the Common Lagarino Commune, an ancient administrative institution. Today, the memory of this institution is preserved through "Comun Comunale - I Giochi e la regula", an event that recalls medieval events. The festival takes place every year between May and June, and involves the seven municipalities: Aldeno, Cimone, Isera, Nogaredo, Nomi, Pomarolo, and Villa Lagarina. You can participate in games and shows that also include traditional music and dance.


As for craftsmanship, Nomi is famous for the production of furniture and wooden objects. The products are enriched with artistic decorations depicting typical scenes of the area.


The administration of the municipality is responsible for managing all aspects related to the maintenance of the city.


Here you will find all the information you need to visit Nomi.


To learn more about the history of the city and its monuments, I recommend consulting the bibliography available at Nomi's municipal library.

Related articles

If you visit Nomi, do not miss the Ciclopista della valle dell'Adige, a cycle path that crosses breathtaking landscapes and will make you discover other beauties of the area.

External links

For up-to-date information on the services offered by the city, visit the official website of the Municipality.

I hope this virtual journey has made you appreciate the beauty of Nomi. Come and visit us!

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Saturday, Jan 14, 2023