
The History of the Province of Naples

The province of Naples, also known as "pruvincia 'e Nàpule'" in Neapolitan, was a province of Italy located in the Campania region until 2014. The province of Naples was the heir of the homonymous province existing during the Kingdom of Naples and the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. The province expanded continuously with the urban expansion of Naples during the Fascist period, after the annexation of a part of the former autonomous hamlets that today correspond to the peripheral neighborhoods of the city. In 1927, the province of Terra di Lavoro, which surrounded Naples, was abolished, and the Napoleonic province incorporated the districts of the ancient "Liburia," including the Pontine Islands. However, the abolition of Terra di Lavoro was considered unpopular and penalizing by the majority of the population and local politics.

The Territorial Plan of the Province of Naples

The province of Naples divided its territory into six homogeneous macro-areas that now make up the metropolitan city of Naples. The Provincial Coordination Territorial Plan, or PTCP, established the subdivision and planning of the territory, which is now maintained by the metropolitan city. In 2014, the province of Naples was abolished in favor of the metropolitan city of Naples, according to law no. 142/90, the reform of Title V of Article 114 and the law 42/2009 on local autonomies. The metropolitan city of Naples will have the fundamental tasks of the Province and will also deal with general territorial planning and infrastructural networks, the management of public services of metropolitan scope, mobility and roads, the promotion and coordination of economic and social development. Furthermore, it will hold the assets and human and instrumental resources of the abolished Province. The new territorial organization is called "Great Naples."

The province of Naples: past, present and future of Greater Naples.

The New Institutional Layout of the Territory

The new institutional organization of the territory will lead to a decentralization of administrative functions in the municipal and district councils. This new institutional layout will be fundamental for the economic and social development of the metropolitan city of Naples and its inhabitants. Moreover, the new organization of the metropolitan area will make it possible to tackle many of the challenges the city is facing, such as pollution, traffic congestion and lack of green spaces. The metropolitan city of Naples will have to address these problems through adequate territorial planning that promotes environmental sustainability and quality of life for citizens.


In summary, the province of Naples was an Italian province located in the Campania region that existed until 2014 when it was abolished in favor of the metropolitan city of Naples. The abolition of the province was done to meet the challenges the city is facing, such as traffic congestion and pollution. The new institutional organization of the territory will address these challenges and promote environmental sustainability and quality of life for citizens. The metropolitan city of Naples will have fundamental tasks of the Province, such as general territorial planning and infrastructural networks management, public services of metropolitan scope, mobility, and roads, and promotion and coordination of economic and social development, and it will hold the assets and human and instrumental resources of the abolished Province.

Paola Santoro
Wrote by Paola Santoro
Updated Wednesday, Nov 16, 2022