Nogarole Rocca

Welcome to Nogarole Rocca, the town of Bassa Veronese

Hello everyone, today I will talk about Nogarole Rocca, an Italian town located in the province of Verona, Veneto. Nogarole Rocca is a small town with a population of about 3,793 inhabitants. The town is located just 21 kilometers from Verona, in the southwest direction. It borders the municipalities of Povegliano Veronese, Vigasio, Trevenzuolo, Roverbella (province of Mantua), and Mozzecane. In addition, the city of Villafranca di Verona is only 8 km away.

The territory of Nogarole Rocca is completely flat and located in the area of "Bassa Veronese", not far from the Mincio River. The history of the town has ancient origins. Archaeologists have found fireplaces, ceramics, worked bones, and bronzes dating back to the Campaniforme age (2500-2200 BC) and the Bronze Age (2200-1150 BC). Over the centuries, Nogarole Rocca has undergone numerous changes, and its events have been linked to those of the city of Verona.


Throughout its history, Nogarole Rocca has known numerous rulers. During the Roman era, an inscription concerning a centurion was found. In 933, the Nogarola family arrived from France, who built a castle, to which the town's events are linked. At the beginning of the 1300s, the fief and the castle were assigned to Giacomo Dal Verme, leader of the Scaligeri, who married Diamante de Nogarola, becoming lord of Bagnolo and Rocca di Nogarole. In 1404, the fiefs passed to Jacopo Dal Verme, already lord of Sanguinetto, Asparetto, Bobbio and Val Tidone, and other fiefs in the Piacenza area. Upon his death in 1409, his son Luigi Dal Verme, imperial count of Sanguinetto, and count of Bobbio and Voghera, Castel San Giovanni, and Val Tidone, and lord of other fiefs, took over. In 1437, all Venetian fiefs were confiscated.

After the confiscation, the castle was among those guarded by Venetian castellans. In 1544, Venice auctioned it off to Venetian Leonardo Boldù for 520 ducats. On March 28 of the following year, the castle passed to Count Giovanni Bevilacqua Lazise, who acquired the title of "Counts of Nogarole Rocca". This title remained with the descendants of the Bevilacqua Lazise family until 1878.

Nogarole Rocca: history, monuments, and events in the Lower Veronese region.

Monuments and places of interest

Religious architecture

Nogarole Rocca is a town full of monuments and places of interest. Among the religious architectures, the Church of San Lorenzo Martire, dating back to the 14th century, represents an important place of worship. Inside the church, you can admire two works of art: a painting depicting the RISEN CHRIST attributed to Felice Riccio (Brusasorzi) and Domenico Riccio (Brusasorzi), and a statue of the VIRGIN OF CARMEL by Biagio Falcieri.

The Church of San Biagio, located in the Santa Lucia fraction, dates back to the 18th century and is characterized by the use of white marble and yellow sandstone. The interior of the church is decorated with works of great value. Among these, an altar painting from 1700, depicting San Biagio, and the statues of S. Ursula and S. Lucia by local artists.

Civic architecture

The Castle of Nogarole Rocca is one of the main attractions of the town. The castle was built in the 10th century and, over the centuries, has undergone numerous renovations and expansions. Inside the castle, you can admire frescoed rooms, internal courtyards, and a panoramic tower, from which you can enjoy a panoramic view of the town and Bassa Veronese.

Events and manifestations

Nogarole Rocca is a lively and active town. Every year, numerous events and manifestations are organized. Among the most important events, there is the Harvest Festival, an event that celebrates the agricultural tradition of the area. During the festival, you can admire vintage agricultural machines, parades, and musical performances.

Also, during the summer period, the town organizes the White Night, an event that animates the streets of the historic center with shows, music, and activities for adults and children.


In conclusion, Nogarole Rocca is a town that offers numerous attractions and events. From the Castle of Nogarole Rocca to the historic churches, the city is full of historical and artistic treasures. In addition, the numerous events that take place during the year make the town a lively and welcoming place for tourists and visitors. If you are looking for a tranquil location with remarkable cultural and culinary offerings, Nogarole Rocca is the right place for you.

Alessandro Romano
Updated Monday, Sep 12, 2022