
Welcome to Montecchia di Crosara!

Hello everyone, friends! Today, I will talk to you about Montecchia di Crosara, a municipality in the beautiful province of Verona, located in Veneto. With its 4253 inhabitants, it is a small town immersed in nature and surrounded by the beauty of the Venetian hills. Here is everything you need to know about Montecchia di Crosara!

Physical Geography

Montecchia di Crosara is located about 35 kilometers from Verona, in the central part of the Val d'Alpone, which takes its name from the homonymous stream, creating the eastern heights of the Lessini Mountains. The municipality borders San Giovanni Ilarione to the north, Roncà to the east, Gambellara (province of Vicenza) to the southeast, Monteforte d'Alpone and Soave to the south, and Cazzano di Tramigna to the west. The towns of San Bonifacio and Arzignano are very close, 13 and 16 kilometers away respectively.

Montecchia di Crosara is inserted in a unique landscape: natural forests, rich wildlife, vineyards as far as the eye can see, interspersed with cherry trees that are covered with myriad white petals from the valley to the top of the surrounding hills creating a unique scenario during the Antesi phase. Agriculture is flourishing and produces twenty thousand quintals of cherries and two hundred thousand hectoliters of wine every year.

Montecchia di Crosara: history and nature in the Venetian hills

Origin of the name

The origin of the name Montecchia di Crosara is uncertain. According to some scholars, the oldest designation would be "Monteculeta," while in documents from the late Middle Ages, "Montecleda" and "Montescleda" are often encountered. The term Crosara, certainly more recent, is to be attributed to the intersection in the center of the municipality of the various roads and main watercourses.



At the top of Monte Bastia, archaeological finds such as shards and flints indicating the presence of a Neolithic village were found and are preserved at the Montecchia middle schools. In Monte Duello, which traces the border between Montecchia di Crosara and Roncà, there is an important archaeological site for the fossil deposits of the Eocene, among which are the fossils of Megadontosuchus and Prototherium.

Roman era

The presence of Montecchia di Crosara is evidenced by numerous inscriptions and valuable archaeological finds preserved in the small museum of the church of San Salvatore or in the museums of Vicenza and Verona dating back to the Roman era. Among these, an altar dedicated to Mars, the god of war, stands out.

Middle Ages

At the end of the tenth century, the village was granted as a fief to Maltraverso de 'Maltraversi, son of Umberto Maltraversi, lord of Padua and Vicenza. Passed under the dominion of the Scaligeri of Verona in the twelfth century, it found itself at the center of the violent disputes between Guelphs and Ghibellines. To this period date the looting of the entire village and the destruction of the castle in 1222, carried out by Vinciguerra Bonifacio. Later, it passed under the Visconti of Milan and, finally, to the Serenissima Republic of Venice. It became an autonomous municipality in 1745.


Here is everything you need to know about Montecchia di Crosara, a municipality immersed in nature and history. If you feel like a day trip, I recommend visiting this beautiful town and enjoying the beauty of the Venetian hills, vineyards, and cherries. I'm sure it won't disappoint you!

Alessandro Romano
Updated Friday, Jun 10, 2022