
Sanguinaro: A Historical Park

If you are looking for a peaceful place in the province of Parma, Sanguinaro might be the right place for you. This small village offers many opportunities to enjoy nature and discover the history of Italy. Divided by the SS9 state road, Sanguinaro is located between the municipalities of Fontanellato and Noceto.

Origins of the Name

Sanguinaro has a very particular name, which might make you think it was the site of many bloody battles. However, the name Sanguinaro derives from the ferrous blood that flowed along the stream. Legend has it that once the water was so red that it turned the wheels of the mill that stood on the Scannabecco ditch three times.

Discover Sanguinaro: Historical Park in the Province of Parma.


The village of Sanguinaro has an intriguing history. It seems that it was born during the High Middle Ages along the Via Francigena, a religious road traveled by numerous pilgrims from northern Europe to Rome. In the heart of Sanguinaro, the Church of Saints Simon and Jude was built, a Romanesque structure dating back to the first half of the 11th century.

Over time, Sanguinaro was contested by two powerful medieval municipalities, Parma and Fidenza. The village was the site of numerous battles between the two municipalities. In particular, there are testimonies of violent battles in 1148, 1152, and 1198, due to various rebellions of the Fidentini against the Parmesan domination.

Over the centuries, Sanguinaro has undergone many destructions and reconstructions. In 1198, the Municipality of Parma built a castle for defensive purposes, which was destroyed in 1219 by the troops of Piacenza. In 1249, the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II invested the feudal lordship in Marquess Oberto II Pallavicino.

Monuments and Places of Interest

The Church of Saints Simon and Jude is one of the most important monuments and places of interest in Sanguinaro. Built in the 11th century, this church was modified by the Hospitaller knights at the end of the 15th century and in 1578. The internal crypt, divided into three aisles developed on five spans in addition to the transept and the three apses, still preserves intact Gothic frescoes.

Sanguinaro Historical Park

Sanguinaro has recently opened its doors to the public for a true natural historical discovery. The Sanguinaro Historical Park, with an area of ​​22,000 square meters, is made up of an educational path that allows you to explore the territory, discover the local flora and fauna, and learn about the history of the village. The Sanguinaro path will take you to the Romanesque church, the crypt, the remains of the castle, the mills, and the rural houses. The path is suitable for both children and adults.

In this park, you can learn the history of Sanguinaro through installations, panels, and projections. It is also possible to purchase typical products such as Sanguinaro wines, local sausages, cheeses, and many other products.


Sanguinaro is a place where nature, history, and culture meet to offer you an unforgettable experience. Here, you can enjoy the tranquility of the countryside and discover the history of a village that has been contested by so many kingdoms. The Sanguinaro Historical Park is an excellent choice for those seeking a destination that is both peaceful and cultural. So, if you are looking for a different experience, Sanguinaro is the right place for you.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Saturday, Apr 30, 2022