Nocera Superiore

Welcome to Nocera Superiore!

Hello everyone! Today we'll talk about Nocera Superiore, an Italian town of about 23,696 inhabitants in the province of Salerno, Campania. First, let's take a look at its physical geography.


Nocera Superiore is located in the Agro Nocerino-Sarnese valley, on the northern ridge of the Lattari Mountains (Monte Albino). It is classified as a seismic zone 2, with average seismicity.

Nocera Superiore: history, natural beauty and local flavors.


But let's move on to the history! Did you know that Nocera Superiore and Nocera Inferiore have a common origin and have always been part of a single community until 1851? The city has a very ancient history. According to legend, the Pelasgians, of Japetid race and originating from Asia, arrived in Italy through the Alps around 1500 BC. Later, around the 6th century BC, the local Oscan populations gave rise to the primitive settlement of Nuceria, which was located between the Pareti and Pucciano fractions. This place was chosen for its favorable geographical location: it was close to water sources and had a fertile hinterland protected from winds.

At its maximum splendor, Nuceria Alfaterna was famous for the strength of its walls and for the remarkable difficulties in conquering it. It included the current fractions of Pareti, San Pietro, Pucciano, Grotti, Porta Romana and San Clemente.

And do you know how the name "Nuceria" was chosen? One theory, based on the story told by Servius, suggests that the ancient inhabitants of the city wanted to remember their place of origin. In reality, the name "Nuvkrinum Alafaternum" derives from "nuv + krin -um alafartern -um": literally, "New (= nuv) Fortress (= krin) of the Alfaterni". In 280 BC, Nuceria presided over a confederation that included Sorrento, Pompeii, Stabia and Herculaneum and coined coins on which was written "Nuvkrinum Al(a) faternum". During the Second Sannitic War, in 216 BC, the city joined the Italic cause and at the end of the conflict obtained favorable treatment from Rome, to which it remained loyal. Precisely for this reason, during the Second Punic War, it was taken and destroyed by Hannibal.

Other serious destruction in its territory occurred later due to the Social War of 90 BC and the subsequent looting of Spartacus' bands.

What to do in Nocera Superiore

But let's move on to things to see in Nocera Superiore! The city is rich in history and natural beauty, and there are plenty of things to do.

The historic center

One of the first things to see is the historic center. The city has a unique and evocative atmosphere, with its narrow streets and ancient buildings.

The churches

There are many churches to visit in Nocera Superiore. Among the most important is the church of San Giovanni Battista, patron saint of the city, with its baroque façade and precious frescoes inside. Also very suggestive is the church of Santa Maria del Popolo, with its Gothic portal.

Walks in the Lattari Mountains

Another thing to do is to take a walk in the Lattari Mountains, around the city. There are many excursions to do, from the easiest to the most difficult, but all with beautiful views of the Agro Nocerino-Sarnese valley.

Local flavors

But now let's move on to food. In Nocera Superiore there are many typical dishes to try, such as folded pizza, buffalo mozzarella, limoncello, which is a specialty of the entire Amalfi Coast, and many other delights.


In short, Nocera Superiore is a city to visit, rich in history and natural beauty. If you are in Campania, come here and discover everything the city has to offer. There are so many things to do, see and taste!

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Monday, Dec 19, 2022