
Discover the history and places of Nocciano, province of Pescara in Abruzzo!

If you are looking for a characteristic and historically rich town, Nocciano is definitely worth considering! With its 1677 inhabitants, this municipality in the province of Pescara, Abruzzo, boasts ancient origins dating back to the Neolithic period.

History of Nocciano

In the area where Nocciano now stands, there was the population of the Vestini, who were part of the territory of Penne, and in particular Follonica depended on it both economically and administratively. But how did the name Nocciano come about? It seems that the town took its name from one of the hills in the area, perhaps shaped like a walnut, on which the population took refuge in case of danger, and that over time it underwent several linguistic evolutions to become Nocciano.

Around the year 1000, the need to better defend itself led to the construction of the Torrione, a watchtower and defense still visible today. In the following centuries, Nocciano became an important possession of the Abbey of San Clemente in Casauria and witnessed the construction of the De Sterlich-Aliprandi Castle, rebuilt in the 17th century by the Aliprandi and now home to the Nocciano Arts Museum.

Discover the history and places of the province of Pescara in Abruzzo, by visiting Nocciano!

Monuments and places of interest

De Sterlich-Aliprandi Castle

The Castle of Nocciano is the main monument of the town: its irregular elliptical plan architecture contains traces of medieval walls and a tower. The inner courtyard is equipped with a beautiful arcade with a turret enriched with battlements and the Castle is now home to the Nocciano Arts Museum. Together with the Castle, the town also boasts the presence of the Mother Church of Sant'Antonio di Padova.

Mother Church of Sant'Antonio di Padova

The Mother Church of Sant'Antonio di Padova is located in the heart of the historic center, next to the Castle. This church with sixteenth-century origins has undergone many transformations over the centuries, until it reached the current Baroque appearance resulting from a renovation in 1747.

The ancient Roman city of Follonica

During excavations carried out around Nocciano, numerous ancient objects were found including amphorae, sarcophagi and even the ruins of Roman buildings. In 1994, the remains of a Roman villa with mosaic floors were identified, linking the origins of Nocciano to the existence of the ancient Roman city of Follonica.


In summary, Nocciano is a town that contains a long history dating back to the Neolithic period, with ancient Roman presences and important monuments such as the De Sterlich-Aliprandi Castle and the Mother Church of Sant'Antonio di Padova. But not only that: the town is surrounded by unspoiled nature and numerous food and wine activities that will allow you to discover the beauty of the area and taste the delicious typical products of Abruzzo. Don't miss the opportunity to visit Nocciano, an unsuspected little gem.

Andrea Giordano
Updated Thursday, Oct 13, 2022