
Welcome to Nocara, the land of almond trees

Hello friends, I'm taking you on a journey to discover Nocara, a small town in northern Calabria, in the province of Cosenza. Life here moves slowly, on a hill at 859 meters above sea level, with breathtaking views of the Sinni river valley.

The meaning of the name

Isn't it interesting to know what Nocara means? The toponym has medieval Byzantine Greek roots and means walnut tree, but don't imagine a majestic and large Juglans tree, but rather the almond tree, called "nux graeca" by the Byzantines.

Nocara: discovering the land of almond trees.

The history of the town

Nocara is a town with a rich history of traditions and myths. Since the Middle Ages, it has been part of the Diocese of Anglona-Tursi and, starting from 1976, it has been classified as belonging to the Diocese of Cassano all'Jonio. Many sacred and profane traditions originate from these dioceses.

Myths and origins

Nocara is an ancient locality linked to mythical cities, fantastic characters, and episodes that are lost in the past. An ancient belief indicates the town as the birthplace of Pontius Pilate, the Roman procurator who condemned Jesus to crucifixion. This belief dates back to Roman times when the Bruzi, the ancient inhabitants of the region, were considered unreliable by the conquerors and employed for socially disqualifying work.

But Nocara has other mythological origins: a tradition holds that the current inhabited center replaced the place where an Achaean hero and his traveling companions founded a city. Epeus, the builder of the Trojan horse, gave the settlement the name of his mother, Lagaria. Other interpretations suggest that the name derives from the shepherd Lagaride or from the Greek heroes tired from the long journey.

What to visit in Nocara

Nocara does not offer big tourist attractions, but its tranquility and natural landscapes that surround it will make you spend a relaxing and pleasant day. You can visit the Castle of Lagarino, built on the highest point of the hill where the town was built, and the Church of Santa Maria Maggiore, characterized by an ancient marble altar and decorations in carved wood.

If you love nature, Nocara offers ancient paths immersed in the greenery of the Mediterranean scrub to be traveled on foot or on a mountain bike. The Santo Stefano caves trail will take you on a journey of discovery of caves, canyons, and waterfalls.


Here we are at the end of our tour of Nocara. I hope that these lines have helped you to better understand our small town. A place where history and tradition merge with the beauty of natural landscapes. Don't miss the opportunity to visit Nocara, the land of almond trees.

Paola Santoro
Wrote by Paola Santoro
Updated Monday, Aug 22, 2022