
Nemoli: the village of craftsmanship

Hello friends! Today I'll tell you about Nemoli, a small town in the province of Potenza in the region of Basilicata. If you're looking for a peaceful place surrounded by nature, Nemoli is the perfect fit for you! With its mountains and rivers of the Lucanian Apennines, this town offers many opportunities to enjoy the beauty of the landscape.

Physical geography

Nemoli is located in the southernmost part of the province of Potenza and its territory extends for several kilometers. The town is situated in the valley of the Noce river and is surrounded by the Sonante, Torbido and Pulcino rivers. These rivers provide water to the aqueducts of many towns in the valley. Near the town, there is also Lake Sirino, which is worth a visit! Nemoli is surrounded by the Lucanian Apennine mountains, such as Serra Rotonda, Serra Lunga, Roccazzo, and Mount Sirino. The central nucleus is characterized by narrow alleys and arcades, and there are several portals and loggias that are worth admiring.

Discover Nemoli: nature, history, and craftsmanship in Basilicata.


Nemoli has an interesting history! The first traces of human settlements date back to the 5th century B.C., as testified by the presence of some bronze statuettes. Later on, in the Middle Ages, Nemoli depended on the city of Lauria and then was merged into the territory of Rivello. In the 17th century, a group of Waldensians settled in Nemoli after being expelled from nearby Calabria. In 1799, Nemoli became a town with the name "La Serra". Over the years, the town has experienced significant economic development thanks to the construction of the consular road known as the "delle Calabrie".


But Nemoli is mostly known for its typical wood and copper craftsmanship. The master craftsmen of the town are famous for making precious wooden and copper objects, such as vases, pots, sacred objects, and much more. You can visit the workshops of the craftsmen and see how they work with wood and copper, you'll be enchanted! Moreover, Nemoli hosts the "Craft Fair" in August, where you can admire and purchase the beautiful objects made by the local artisans.

Food and wine

The town of Nemoli also offers many opportunities to taste typical products of Basilicata. You can try wild boar sausage, homemade bread, homemade pasta and local wine. There's nothing better than tasting these genuine products in a restaurant in the town, maybe sitting on a terrace overlooking the surrounding mountains!


Nemoli is the ideal place for those who love nature and want to spend a holiday away from the chaos of the city. You can go hiking on the surrounding mountains, visit Lake Sirino and take a stroll through the alleys of the historic center. Moreover, Nemoli is near other towns in Basilicata that are worth visiting, such as Maratea, Lauria and Potenza.


Guys, Nemoli is a wonderful place! If you're on vacation in Basilicata, you can't miss this small town surrounded by nature with a fascinating history. Discover the local craftsmanship, taste the typical products, and enjoy the natural beauty of the town. I hope I've made you want to visit Nemoli!

Antonio Bruno
Wrote by Antonio Bruno
Updated Tuesday, Mar 22, 2022