
Hello everyone! Today I will be talking about Navelli, a beautiful Italian municipality located in Abruzzo. Navelli is a small village with only 503 inhabitants, but with a unique charm and ancient history.

Physical geography


Navelli is centrally located between the Aquilana basin, the Aterno valley, the Peligna basin, and the Tirino valley. The town is situated on a hill, approximately 760 meters above sea level, between the southeastern foothills of the Gran Sasso d'Italia and the central ridge of the Abruzzo Apennines. The Navelli plateau, about 3 km wide and 25 km long, extends along the NW-SE direction and offers a breathtaking panorama.

Navelli, the village of saffron and history.


The climate in Navelli is typically Italian, with dry winters and hot summers. Precipitation is scarce, and in winter, it can snow. The Navelli plateau represents a climatic boundary between the sub-colline region and the inner mountainous region and can be subject to catabatic winds. The average annual temperature is 11°C.

Origins of the name

According to legend, the original name of Navelli was "Novellum" or "Novelli," which derives from the nine villages that made up the territory. Later, the name changed to "Navelli Navellorum" with the adoption of the ship in the coat of arms, in homage to the participation of the inhabitants in the crusades in the Holy Land. However, there are also sources that believe that the name Navelli derives from the Lombard term "nava", which means "basin" or "depression" and refers to the shape of the plateau.


Ancient age

The Navelli area was inhabited by the Vestini since the 6th century BC. The birth of "Incerulæ" and "Benateru," the two "Vicus" placed on the northern and southern edges of the valley on the Claudia Nova road connecting Peltuinum with Aufinum, is dated back to this period. Today we can still admire the vast necropolis and the inscription in Vestinian dialect, preserved in the National Archaeological Museum of Naples and datable to the 3rd century BC.

Medieval age

During the Middle Ages, Navelli was an important agricultural and pastoral center and was part of the San Pio delle Camere feud. In 1235, Frederick II granted Bonifacio, lord of San Pio, the castle and village of Navelli. In 1272, the feud passed to the Counts of Celano through the marriage between Richard Count of Celano and Giovanna di Sangro Countess of Popoli.

Modern age

After various ownership changes, Navelli became a municipality in 1811. Today, the municipality of Navelli is recognized as one of the "Most Beautiful Villages in Italy" and represents an example of how Abruzzo's agricultural and pastoral traditions are still alive.

Saffron production

Navelli is mainly known for the production of Aquila saffron, a product with protected designation of origin. The saffron tradition is very ancient and dates back to the Middle Ages. It is one of the excellences of Abruzzo agriculture, and currently, about 25 families continue to cultivate, collect and process saffron artisanally.


Navelli, an ancient and suggestive village located in the province of Aquila, is a must-see place for those who want to immerse themselves in Abruzzo's agricultural and pastoral tradition. Saffron production and being one of the "Most Beautiful Villages in Italy" make it a unique place. If you are in Abruzzo, you cannot miss a visit to Navelli!

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Wednesday, Mar 30, 2022