Nave San Rocco

Welcome to Nave San Rocco

Welcome to Nave San Rocco, a small village in Terre d'Adige, located in the beautiful Autonomous Province of Trento. With its 1400 inhabitants, Nave San Rocco is a small gem that was an autonomous municipality until December 31, 2018, after which it became part of the scattered municipality of Terre d'Adige, following a merger with the neighboring municipality of Zambana.

Monuments and places of interest

Nave San Rocco is a place rich in history and architectural beauty. Among the monuments to visit are the Church of San Rocco, where you can admire the religious architecture of the village, and the Church of Saints Fabiano and Sebastiano. If you are passionate about history and art, you cannot miss a walk through the streets of the village to discover its beauties.

San Rocco Ship: beauties and history of a Trentino hamlet.


Nave San Rocco is a very welcoming and hospitable place, with an active and lively community. The main sports society in the village is the Unione Sportiva Vigor, founded in 1948, active in the sport of tamburello and amateur football. The main football society in the village is F.C. Adige, whose team plays in the B Provincial Group of the Autonomous Province of Trento in the 2nd Category, currently coached by Urso Giuseppe. The best result achieved is the 1st Category in the years 2013/14 and 2014/15. The citizens of Nave San Rocco are very attached to the sporting tradition of the village and enthusiastically participate in all the events and activities organized by the community.

Demographic evolution

Over the years, Nave San Rocco has seen a significant demographic evolution: from the 1936 census with a resident population of 588 inhabitants, it has now reached about 1400 inhabitants. An increase that demonstrates the vitality of the community and the ability to attract new residents and visitors thanks to its natural and architectural beauties.


Nave San Rocco has a long history of administrators who have worked for the good of the community. The first Head of the Municipality, Giovanni Postal, dates back to 1818. Over the years, many mayors and head of the municipality have alternated, until the reconstitution of the municipality in 1948. In the list of those who have worked for the good of the village, there are important names such as Fabio Castellan, Renata Stenico Valer, Ugo Garzetti, and Joseph Valer. With the consultative referendum of May 22, 2016, the population of Nave San Rocco approved the proposal for a merger with the Municipality of Zambana, which gave birth to the new Municipality of Terre d'Adige starting from January 1, 2019. This merger represents an important opportunity for growth and development for the community, which will be able to count on greater resources and opportunities.


Nave San Rocco is a place of great beauty, hospitality, and welcome. The community is united and active, with a long history of traditions and commitments for the good of the village. You can visit its architectural beauties, participate in sports activities organized by the community, or simply stroll through its streets to discover its magic. Come and discover this small pearl of the Autonomous Province of Trento!

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Wednesday, Dec 28, 2022