
Welcome to Nave

Hello everyone! Today we will talk about Nave, a municipality in the province of Brescia located in the Garza Valley in Lombardy. With its 10,607 inhabitants, it is a place full of history and charm. Let's discover together some curiosities about its origins.

Origin of the name

The toponym "Nave" may derive from the Latin word "nava", which means "basin", indicating the position of the town in the valley. Interesting, isn't it? Let's now discover the history of this municipality.

History and curiosities of Nave, province of Brescia - Less than 60 characters: Nave, historical treasures in Lombardy.


Nave has a long history that dates back to the Upper Neolithic period. In fact, important settlements dating back to that period have been found, such as those in the Vhò locality, where numerous stone and ceramic objects from that period were discovered.

But the most interesting discoveries date back to the Roman Empire, when the place gained importance thanks to the road that connected Brescia to the Val Sabbia and the Trentino, passing through the Sant'Eusebio pass. In fact, a Roman necropolis dating back to the 1st century was found in the area, with dozens of cremation tombs and numerous inscriptions.

Around the 9th century, the Mitria parish was built on the remains of a pre-existing pagan building. In 1951, a high relief depicting a naked man grabbing a lion by its front paws was unearthed. It is believed that this may have been connected to the cult of Mithra, a deity from which the term "Mitria", popularly linked to the parish itself, derives.

Iron and paper processing dates back to the 11th century. The presence of the municipality of Nave was first attested in 1226, when the first consuls were elected. In 1270, the Dominican convent of Pietro apostolo was founded by the brothers Giovanni and Girardo de Bestino. It was later absorbed in 1420 by the Augustinians of San Giovanni de Foris in Brescia.

In short, Nave has a very interesting and fascinating history, but it has also undergone several battles and invasions. Let's discover the main ones.

Battles and invasions

In 1401, the town suffered the violence of the Visconti forces during an important battle between the army of the "rex romanorum" Roberto del Palatinato, supported by Francesco II da Carrara and the Brescian Guelphs, against the Visconti forces. The emperor's goal was to forcibly revoke the ducal title, granted too easily to Gian Galeazzo Visconti by his predecessor. Unfortunately, the outcome of the battle was unfavorable for him. However, it allowed the ducals to attack Bologna.

In 1439, during the battles between the Republic of Venice and the Visconti for control of the Brescian territory, the town suffered the violence of the Visconti troops commanded by Niccolò Piccinino. With the transfer of the territory to the Serenissima, the municipality was first included in the Lumezzane square, and then became the headquarter again.

Unfortunately, the plague also hit Nave many times. In 1512, while the French of Aubigny were barbarously plundering the town, an epidemic broke out that affected hundreds of Nave inhabitants. The same happened in the plagues of 1577 and 1630.


These are the main curiosities and historical events of Nave. We hope we have introduced you to this municipality in the province of Brescia, rich in history and culture. If you have the opportunity, don't miss the chance to visit it and discover all its treasures!

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Saturday, Nov 12, 2022