
Taizzano, a village on the Nera Gorges

Taizzano is a hamlet of the municipality of Narni, located in the province of Terni. The village has a population of 339 inhabitants, according to Istat census data from 2001. The hamlet is situated on a hill that offers a beautiful view of the Nera Gorges, not far from where the river flows into the Tiber. Taizzano is located 194 meters above sea level and is close to the state roads Ortana-Tiberina and SS3 Flaminia.

History and cultural heritage

Taizzano is a village with a rich historical and cultural heritage. It is counted among the castles whose revenues are collected by the Diocese of Narni since the 12th century. The name probably derives from "Fundus Tatianus". In 1229, it was recorded that the village offered a candle for the feast of Saint Giovenale, patron saint of Narni, confirming its subjection: traces of this devotion remained until the seventeenth century. In the fifteenth century, Cardinal Giuliano Della Rovere, future Pope Julius II, owned a farmhouse in the area. There are no visible traces of the castle or its walls. In the territory of Taizzano, there is the Abbey of Sant'Angelo in Massa from the eleventh century, of which only the church in the locality of Villa Massa remains. This abbey was granted to the Benedictines in 996 and its entrance is in Renaissance style, while its interior with three aisles is supported by columns and round arches. In Taizzano, visitors can see the remains of the Church of San Martino, built between the tenth and twelfth centuries. This Romanesque church is situated a short distance from the village and its Longobard-era altar is kept in the library of San Domenico. Another attraction of the village is the fossil quarry located in the locality of Ripabianca.

Taizzano, a historic gem on the Nera Gorges

Events and festivals

Taizzano celebrates the feast of its patron saint, Saint Azio, on August 1st, but the celebration lasts from the end of July to the second week of August. It is an opportunity not to be missed to discover local customs and traditions.


Enduro enthusiasts can have fun in the territory of Taizzano with numerous tracks and trails.

Image gallery

In the image gallery, visitors can admire some of the artistic and cultural heritage of Taizzano, such as the Church of Santi Maria Annunziata and San Silvestro, the Church of San Martino, and the statue of the patron saint, Saint Azio.


Taizzano, located between the Nera Gorges, is an ancient village that offers a breathtaking view of the Umbrian countryside. With its historical and cultural heritage, its churches, and its natural attractions, Taizzano is a must-see destination. The feast of the patron saint is a moment to be shared with the local community, but visitors can also practice sports such as enduro and discover nature with a visit to the fossil quarry.

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Tuesday, Dec 6, 2022