
Montoro, an ancient village atop the hill

Hello everyone, today I want to talk to you about Montoro, a small hamlet in the municipality of Narni, in the province of Terni. The village is located atop a hill, at a height of 194 meters, and is made up of yellow sand and light clay that gave it its name. According to Istat data from 2001, there are only 79 inhabitants, but don't be fooled by its small size: Montoro is one of the main castles in the Narni area and has a long history behind it.

Millennia of history in Montoro

The territory of Montoro boasts a millennia-long history. Numerous fossil remains have been found, which place it in ancient times, when the sea and the earth disputed the land. A mastodon fossil was even found here!

In historical times, the Etruscans and Romans left their traces of settlement in the area. The name Montoro appears for the first time in 857 as a possession of the Farfa Abbey. Later, after the feudal system of the XI century, the castle became an important center of interest for the State of the Church, to which it remained faithful even after the dissolution of papal temporal power.

The Statutes of Montoro, dating back to the XV century, establish self-government and autonomy with respect to Narni. The Montoro family always sought to defend this autonomy and also defended it by granting favors to the papal court. In 1528, however, a bull by Clement VII marked the end of this autonomy and the restitution of many assets to the Church, including the Statutes themselves.

In 1816, the Marquis Giovanni Patrizi-Montoro, a descendant of the Montoro family, was forced to relinquish the castle to Narni, but Marchesa Porzia managed to regain possession of most of the properties thanks to a secret agreement with the municipality of Narni. Her grandson, Filippo, built a circular road around the village, an aqueduct, a school and many other public works.

Montoro: history and monuments of an ancient village.

Economy and events in Montoro

Montoro boasts a production of high quality wines and in September the Feast of Sant'Egidio takes place, a celebration of the village's patron saint.

Monuments and places of interest

Despite its small size, Montoro has a heritage of monuments and places of interest that attract visitors from all over the world. These include:

In conclusion, Montoro is a hidden gem in the Narni area that is worth visiting to discover its millennia-long history and admire its unique monuments. If you are looking for a destination outside of mass tourism, Montoro could be the right choice for you.

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Tuesday, Dec 6, 2022