
Nago-Torbole: A Small Municipality near Lake Garda

Nago-Torbole, also known as Nach and Tùrbule in the Garda dialect or Nach and Tórbole in Trentino dialects, is a municipality with a population of 2,826 located in the autonomous province of Trento. The small municipality consists of two villages, Nago and Torbole, located at the foot of Mount Altissimo and on the coast of Lake Garda.


Nago-Torbole extends over the northeastern area of Lake Garda, reaching the mouth of the Sarca River, the main tributary of the lake. To the east is the Monte Baldo mountain range, with the highest peak represented by Mount Altissimo di Nago.

Thanks to the protection of the mountains behind and the thermoregulatory action of the lake, Nago-Torbole enjoys a Mediterranean-type microclimate that allows the cultivation of plants such as Olea europaea.

Nago-Torbole: the charm of Lake Garda between history, climate and winds.

Climate and Winds

The climate of Nago-Torbole is influenced by Lake Garda and the surrounding mountains and enjoys mild temperatures throughout the year. The winds that blow in the area are very important for tourism, especially for windsurfing enthusiasts, attracted by the presence of winds every day of the year.

Among the most important winds are the Òra, the most constant and famous wind that comes from the south and blows at a speed of 10-12 meters per second. The Vent Paesam, a nocturnal and antemeridian wind that comes from the north and is usually less intense than the Òra. The Ponale, a particularly strong wind that often heralds significant rainfall and comes from the Ledro valley, and finally the Balinòt, a very strong wind that usually blows in winter and comes from Mount Ballino.


Human presence in the area of Nago-Torbole dates back to the Neolithic, with settlements recognized even during the Bronze Age and prehistoric and historical epochs. The castle of Castel Penede in Nago, in a strategic position, was destroyed in 1703 by the French troops of Louis Joseph of Bourbon-Vendôme.

A first official act concerning the community dates back to 1041, when there was a dispute over the borders with the neighboring town of Mori. In later times, the Statutes et Ordini were adopted, which remained operational until the 17th century. The territory of Nago-Torbole, which was part of the Prince-Bishopric of Trent, was militarily conquered by the Venetians during the Lombard Wars.


In conclusion, Nago-Torbole is a fascinating municipality located near Lake Garda. The area enjoys a temperate climate all year round, which allows for the cultivation of plant species that would not be feasible in other areas. The winds that blow in the area are very important for tourism, especially for windsurfing enthusiasts. The history of the municipality dates back to the Neolithic period and has seen the passage of various powers until its unification with Italy in 1866. Nago-Torbole is an ideal destination for those looking for relaxation, sports, and culture.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Thursday, Sep 22, 2022