
Murlo: a hill treasure

Murlo is a small town in Tuscany, in the province of Siena, with just over 2400 inhabitants. Most of them live in Vescovado and Casciano, the main centers of the municipality.

A unique landscape

The territory of Murlo is characterized by its geographical position. Located between the Merse valley and the val d'Arbia, it features a hilly landscape: the high and wooded hills overlooking the Merse River, and the low and soft hills typical of the Sienese clays on the side of the Arbia River. The atmosphere is perfect for relaxing and enjoying the beauty of the landscape.

Murlo: Hill Treasures and Etruscan History.

The meaning of the name

The name "Murlo" comes from the Latin "murulus", which means "small wall". It is not clear whether the name refers to a walled place or is related to the presence of climbing mice.

A history linked to the Episcopal Feud of Murlo

The history of Murlo is closely linked to the history of its Episcopal Feud, which the town hosted from 1189 until 1778. Numerous Etruscan artifacts have been found in the area, which are on display in the "Antiquarium di Poggio Civitate" Museum.

The symbols of the municipality

The municipal coat of arms of Murlo was recognized on 8 February 1937. The flag is a purple banner.

A treasure of religious architecture

Murlo is home to numerous parish churches, including the Church of Saints Giusto and Clemente in Casciano and the Church of Saints Peter and Paul in Montepescini. In Vescovado, on the other hand, you can admire the Church of San Fortunato and the Church of San Donato.

A heritage of sacred buildings

In addition to the parish churches, Murlo has numerous minor churches and parish churches. Among the most interesting are the Church of Sant'Andrea, the Church of San Fortunato, and the Pieve of Santa Maria in Coppiano di Montepescini, while the Pieve of San Michele Arcangelo in Montepertuso presents itself today as a ruin.

The treasure of civil and military buildings

Among the civil buildings of Murlo that deserve attention is the Episcopal Palace, a testimony to the long history of the Episcopal Feud, and among the military ones, the Castles of Murlo, Campriano, Montepertuso, Vallerano, and della Fabbrichella stand out.

An invaluable archaeological heritage

Murlo is a mine of historical treasures: among the most important archaeological sites stands out Poggio Civitate, home to one of the most important Etruscan communities in the area.

The demographics of Murlo

The demographic evolution of Murlo has been stable for several years: the 2408 inhabitants of the municipality represent a lively and welcoming community.

A world of diverse cultures

Murlo boasts a varied and multi-ethnic community: as of December 31, 2009, the resident foreign population was 268 people. The coexistence of diverse cultures represents a richness for the traditions of the country and of Tuscany in general.

Murlo is a hill treasure that offers a myriad of architectural and historical treasures, as well as a unique landscape in the world. Discovering its secrets is an experience that leaves a mark.

Elisa Lombardi
Updated Monday, Mar 14, 2022