
Discovering Murialdo

Hello friends, today I'm taking you to discover a small town in the province of Savona: Murialdo. With its 762 inhabitants, it's a peaceful place immersed in nature, dominated by Mount Camulera, which stands at 1,042 meters high. Here, you can still admire the remains of mining activities, including a graphite mine in Riofreddo and a copper, sulfur, silver, and gold extraction activity in Pastori, although these activities haven't been operational for over a century now.

History of Murialdo

Murialdo: between history and nature

The toponym Murialdo is said to have Lombard origins and is derived from the combination of the Latin term "mirus," meaning wonderful, and the proto-Germanic term "wald," which instead means forest. In fact, one form of the name previously used was "Muroaldo." Throughout its history, Murialdo was a property of the Order of Saint Benedict of the Monastery of Santa Maria Assunta and later of the Aleramici. In the 14th century, it belonged to the Del Carretto family of the Marquisate of Finale, who expanded the castle.

Murialdo's role in wars and diplomacy

Murialdo played an important role in the wars of Finale. In the 15th century, the inhabitants of this small town obtained numerous benefits and privileges from the Marquis Galeotto Del Carretto for their loyalty to the Carretto cause during the war. In 1450, Marquis Giovanni Del Carretto overthrew the Genoese defenses with the help of the people of Murialdo, who had honored their oath to defend the fiefdom.

The parish church of Murialdo

The parish church is one of the main monuments of Murialdo. It was rebuilt in 1445 and aroused the anger of the nearby village of Calizzano, an ally of the Republic of Genoa, which sacked it in revenge. After a long journey, in 1450, Marquis Giovanni Del Carretto arrived in Saliceto, bringing with him the people of Murialdo, who helped him reconquer the fiefdom. The church, although damaged, was saved from destruction.

The borders of Murialdo

Murialdo borders Calizzano, and there is the Giovetti hill that allows the connection with the Tanaro valley and Massimino.


We have come to the end of our journey to discover the town of Murialdo. A peaceful and pleasant place, immersed in nature and rich in history. If you have the opportunity to visit this small town in Liguria, do not hesitate to do so and discover its beauty.

Laura De Luca
Wrote by Laura De Luca
Updated Sunday, Dec 18, 2022