
Discovering the village of Grezzano

Hello everyone! Today I'll be talking about the hamlet of Grezzano, a small village located in the municipality of Mozzecane, in the province of Verona, in the heart of the Veneto region. Grezzano is an ancient territory that has seen the alternation of several noble families over the centuries. Among the most important are the Dal Verme and Canossa families, who have left an important artistic and architectural heritage in the area.

Monuments and places of interest

Among the places to visit in Grezzano, I must absolutely mention the beautiful Villa Canossa, located in the center of the village. The historical villa dates back to the 16th century and is surrounded by a large green park. Our gaze will be immediately captured by the imposing main façade, which reflects the typical 16th century architecture of the time. Inside, the villa is decorated with fine plasterwork, frescoes, and large white marble fireplaces. To this day, it hosts important cultural events and art exhibitions.

For nature lovers, I recommend taking a stroll in the park, where you can find many tree species and well-maintained lawns. You'll feel like you're in a dimension outside of time!

Discover Grezzano, the artistic gem of the Verona province.


In conclusion, Grezzano is a small gem in the province of Verona, which definitely deserves a visit. Rebuilt after the war, it has managed to preserve its historical and artistic heritage, making it today a place of great charm and allure. I wish you the opportunity to visit it soon and experience a unique experience!

Alessandro Romano
Updated Thursday, Mar 3, 2022