Motta di Livenza

Welcome to Motta di Livenza, a city with a rich history

Welcome to Motta di Livenza, an Italian municipality located in the province of Treviso, in Veneto. With a population of 10,725 inhabitants, Motta di Livenza is a city full of history dating back to the Roman Empire period. The city is located northeast of the capital, about 35 km away and on the border with Friuli.

The history of Motta di Livenza

The history of Motta di Livenza is closely linked to that of Venice. In 1291, the city was named "First-born Daughter of the Serenissima," while in 1511 it was named "Favorite Daughter of the Serenissima Republic." Being along the Via Postumia, an ancient Roman artery, the city became an important transit point and later became feuded and the seat of a diocese.

The first settlement on the right bank of the Livenza, near the confluence with the Monticano river, was a castle of the Da Camino family built in 1300. Then, in front of the ancient castle, the Porto della Mota developed, where Venetian goods from the East disembarked to continue by land in Europe.

Motta di Livenza: history, churches and typical products.

The churches of Motta di Livenza

Two churches characterize the history of Motta di Livenza: the Basilica of the Madonna dei Miracoli and the Cathedral of San Nicolò. The church of San Nicolò is one of the most important historical monuments in the city, where the illustrious citizens of Motta di Livenza, Cardinal Girolamo Aleandro and anatomist-surgeon Antonio Scarpa, are buried. The church dates back to 963 AD and testifies that the city already existed before the year 1000.

At the end of February 1516, the church of San Nicolò was about to be demolished, but the vicar of the bishop of Ceneda ordered it to be preserved and a transcription placed on the wall in memory of its foundation.

Motta di Livenza today

Today, Motta di Livenza is a modern city that has maintained its historic character. The city offers travelers a wide range of activities, including sightseeing, nature excursions, wine and local food tasting tours. The city is also famous for its natural beauties, including the Livenza and Monticano rivers.

In the summer, the city organizes various events, including local festivals, fairs, and outdoor concerts. One of the most important events is the "Feast of the Patron Saint Nicolò," held in December and offering visitors a fireworks show.

Motta di Livenza is also famous for its typical products, including the Red Radicchio of Motta di Livenza IGP, a delicacy of local cuisine. The city is also surrounded by numerous wineries that produce excellent wines.


In summary, Motta di Livenza is an Italian city full of history and charm. The city offers visitors the opportunity to discover its millenary history, taste its typical dishes and enjoy its natural beauties. If you are looking for an authentic and off the beaten path destination in Italy, then Motta di Livenza is the right place for you!

Matteo Ferrari
Updated Sunday, Apr 17, 2022