Motta Baluffi

Welcome to Motta Baluffi: Let's Discover the History and Society of this Small Lombard Town!

Motta Baluffi is a town in the province of Cremona, Lombardy, with a population of 794. Its history dates back to 1100 AD, when the village belonged to the Diocese of Cremona and then to the Baluffi family, from which it took its current name.


The coat of arms of Motta Baluffi features a blue chevron, symbolizing the bend of the Po River, while the ears of wheat represent the fertility of the land irrigated by the river's current. The banner, on the other hand, is a white cloth.

Motta Baluffi: History, society, and nature in the small Lombardian gem


The demographic evolution of Motta Baluffi has had its ups and downs over the years. In 1951, the town had 1,120 inhabitants, but in the following years, the population gradually decreased until reaching its historic minimum in 1991, with only 627 inhabitants. In recent years, however, there has been a slight increase in population, with 794 residents counted in 2021.


Motta Baluffi is governed by a mayor and a municipal council, elected every five years. Currently, the incumbent mayor is Mario Bersani, who leads a council composed of four assessors.


The territory of Motta Baluffi is characterized by the presence of the Po River and the nature reserve of Lanca di Gerole, a protected area covering approximately 248 hectares and hosting numerous animal and plant species.

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If you are nature lovers, you cannot miss a visit to the Lanca di Gerole nature reserve. In addition, the presence of the Po River makes Motta Baluffi an excellent starting point for outdoor activities and excursions.

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For more information about Motta Baluffi and the tourist and cultural activities you can enjoy in this Lombard town, please visit the following official websites: [Insert links to the official town and nature reserve websites].

Erica Ferrari
Wrote by Erica Ferrari
Updated Friday, Apr 15, 2022