
Quintino Sella: a versatile man

Quintino Sella was a versatile figure who influenced the history of economics and science in Italy in the 19th century. Born in 1827 in Valle Superiore in Mosso, Biella, he was one of the founders of the Banca Biellese and also played an important role in his family's business. He was a hydraulic engineer and a professor of Applied Geometry for the Arts.

Family and the business

Quintino Sella's family had been involved in the textile industry since the 17th century, but also had interests in liberal arts and religious vocations. After his father's death, the company passed to his sons, including Quintino. The factory remained in the family, and thanks to his degree in hydraulic engineering from the University of Turin, Quintino became responsible for the power and mechanical sector of the company.

Quintino Sella: the eclecticism of a 19th-century genius.

His education

His father directed Quintino towards hydraulic engineering studies to prepare him for his future role in the family business. After getting his degree, Quintino decided to attend the École nationale supérieure des mines de Paris in Paris to further his studies in mining. During his three years of training, Quintino apprenticed in the workshops of Auvergne, the Pontgibaud mines in France, and the mining region of Harz in Prussia.

His passion for mineralogy

Quintino Sella had a passion for mineralogy, and in his letter to his mother in December 1851 from Clausthal, he expressed his love for the subject: "Only one passion sometimes gives me some comfort, and it's that of stones. Here I have the opportunity to study some beautiful stones, and that makes me happy for a few hours. I never thought that studying nature could be so delightful."

His teaching

In December 1852, Quintino was appointed professor of Applied Geometry for the Arts at the Regio Istituto Tecnico in Turin, which, thanks to his active interest, became the School of Application for Engineers in 1859 and later the Polytechnic of Turin.

In summary, Quintino Sella was a versatile figure who left his mark on the history of economics and science in Italy. With his training in hydraulic engineering and his great passion for mineralogy, he represented an example of eclecticism and competence that contributed to the development of knowledge in our country. In addition, his teaching activity allowed numerous students to learn applied geometry for the arts. Quintino Sella's legacy lives on today through Banca Biellese and the Polytechnic of Turin.

Andrea Fontana
Updated Friday, Feb 18, 2022