
Welcome to Mossano: the history and geography of a small municipality

If you're curious to discover a corner of the Venetian hills, we present Mossano, a small municipality in the province of Vicenza. With its population of 1,791, Mossano covers an area of 7.62 km², nestled among the gentle hills that slope towards the Vicenza plain.

Physical geography

Mossano is characterized by the presence of several streams, which once made the area marshy and formed two lakes, the "major" in Montruglio and the "minor" in Mezzana. Thanks to the drainage channels, twelve mills were able to use the water from the streams to grind cereals and continued to operate until the mid-twentieth century.

Not only nature, but also wellness: in Mossano there are some thermal springs, including the "Bagno di Mossano", used until the second half of the twentieth century for baths and washing clothes.

Mossano: history and geography of a charming Venetian municipality.

Origins of the name

There is no exact explanation for the origin of the name Mossano, but there are several hypotheses, including "Mons Sanus" (describing a healthy hill), "Mussius" (a Roman proper name), and "Mozza" (a Mediterranean term related to the characteristics of the soil).



The hills above Mossano have rocky walls, cliffs, and caves, which have favored human settlement since the Paleolithic era. Two caves have been particularly important, San Bernardino and Paina.

The cave of San Bernardino is one of the most important archaeological sites in Europe, where one of the oldest hearths in the continent was found, dating back to about 250,000-200,000 years ago. This site is also important because it allowed the discovery of a particular hearth industry, called "bernardiniana".

Other Mossano caves have revealed the presence of Paleolithic hunters, as well as the absence of humans and the presence of cave bears, lions, and hyenas.

Middle Ages

Until the thirteenth century, Mossano was under the civil and ecclesiastical jurisdiction of Barbarano Vicentino, while the church of San Pietro Apostolo in Mossano was a chapel dependent on the parish of Santa Maria Assunta in Barbarano. Mossano was part of the "Vicinia" of Barbarano along with the neighboring village of Villaga.

At the end of the thirteenth century, the jurisdiction of Barbarano was divided and Mossano became one of the three autonomous municipalities along with Barbarano and Villaga. Mossano was owned by the counts of Pilo di Sossano.


This is just a brief overview of the history and geography of Mossano. A small municipality that offers numerous points of interest for those who want to discover the beauty of the Venetian territory. Come and take a tour and let yourself be conquered by its history and natural beauty!

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Sunday, Feb 20, 2022