Santa Margherita

Many Santa Margheritas around the world

Hello friends! Today I want to talk to you about something fun: if you are interested in geography or looking for an original name for your next vacation, you know that there are many places in the world with the same name, right? But have you ever been curious about how many Santa Margheritas there are in the world? There are many, and I will list them all for you!

Let's start with Canada, where we find Santa Margherita (New Brunswick), a small village in the province of New Brunswick. In the Nova Scotia peninsula, there is Santa Margherita Bay, while on the island of Newfoundland there is another Santa Margherita Bay.

In France, there is an island of Santa Margherita (Lerins), one of the Lerins islands off the coast of Cannes.

In Italy, of course, most of the Santa Margheritas can be found. Let's start from the North: there is Santa Margherita (Capannori) in the province of Lucca, Santa Margherita (Lissone) in the province of Monza, Santa Margherita (San Daniele Po) in the province of Cremona, Santa Margherita (Belgioioso) in the province of Pavia and Santa Margherita (Ala) in the province of Trento.

Moving on to Central Italy, we find Santa Margherita d'Adige in the province of Padua and Santa Margherita di Belice in the municipal consortium of Agrigento.

Going South, there is Santa Margherita di Staffora in the province of Pavia, Santa Margherita Ligure in the province of Genoa, Santa Margherita di Atri in the province of Teramo, Santa Margherita di Pula in the metropolitan city of Cagliari, Santa Margherita (Messina) and Santa Margherita Marina, fractions of Messina, Santa Margherita di Valsolda in the province of Como, Santa Margherita del Gruagno in the province of Udine, Santa Margherita di Peveragno in the province of Cuneo and Santa Margherita di Sarzano in the province of Rovigo.

In addition, there is Campo Santa Margherita, a square in Venice, and Porto Santa Margherita, a resort in Caorle in the metropolitan city of Venice.

In Mexico, on the other hand, there is an island of Santa Margherita, called Santa Margarita, in the Pacific Ocean, off the coast of Southern Baja California.

In the United Kingdom, we find Santa Margherita Bay (Kent), a bay in Kent, England. In this bay there is also the village of Santa Margherita at Cliffe. Moreover, there is another village named Santa Margherita in the Orkney Islands (Scotland).

The heavenly Santa Margheritas

But not only are there places with this name, there are also many saints with this name! There are Saint Margaret of Antioch and Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys, famous for being founders, respectively on July 20th and January 12th.

Then there are Santa Margherita di Cesolo, also known as "the Barefoot", celebrated on August 5th, and Saint Margaret Clitherow, an Anglican convert and martyr in York, celebrated on October 21st.

There are also Saint Margaret of England, born in Hungary, a Cistercian nun, celebrated on February 3rd, and Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, virgin, nun and mystic, celebrated on October 16th.

Margherita da Città di Castello, celebrated on April 13th, was a nun of the Laity of St. Dominic, while Santa Margherita da Cortona was a penitent, celebrated on February 22nd.

Then there is Saint Margaret of Scotland, queen, celebrated on November 16th, and Margaret of Hungary, virgin, celebrated on January 18th.

Saint Margaret Ward was martyred on August 30th, 1588, along with forty English and Welsh martyrs. Saint Marie-Marguerite d'Youville founded the Sisters of Charity of Montreal and is celebrated on December 23rd.

Saint Teresa Margaret Redi was an Italian Capuchin nun, celebrated on March 7th, and Saint Rita of Cascia, also known as Margherita Lotti, was an Augustinian nun, celebrated on May 22nd.

Margherita World: Many places, saints and curiosities with the same name.

The Blessed with the same name

There are also many blessed with the same name: Margaret of Hohenfels, a Benedictine nun, is celebrated on December 26th.

Margaret of Louvain, on the other hand, was a maid and is celebrated on September 2nd, while Margaret of Brabant, daughter of Henry II of Brabant, was a Cistercian nun and is celebrated on June 5th.

Margaret Colonna was a Poor Clare nun, daughter of Prince Odo of Palestrina, and is celebrated on December 30th, while Margaret of Faenza, an abbess, is celebrated on August 26th.

Margaret of Savoy was the daughter of Louis of Savoy and widow of Theodore II of Montferrat. She was a Dominican tertiary and is celebrated on November 23rd. Margaret of Lorraine-Vaudémont, wife of René d'Alençon, founded the monastery of Argentan and is celebrated on November 6th.

Margaret Pole was the mother of Sir Reginald Pole, a martyr beheaded by order of Henry VIII of England, and is celebrated on May 28th.

Margaret Leroux was an Ursuline nun and martyr in Valenciennes, while Margaret Bays was a Swiss laywoman. She was beatified in 1995 and is celebrated on June 27th.

Beyond places and saints

Finally, in addition to places and saints, there are also other curiosities with the name Santa Margherita. For example, the painting by Annibale Carracci called Santa Margherita, dated 1599, and the oil painting on board, Transport of Paintings on Board by Raphael and Assistants, which depicts Saint Margaret.

In addition, there is the historic Sicilian family Palermo di Santa Margherita and the Santa Margherita di Belice white and red wines, produced in the province of Agrigento.

I hope this list of Santa Margheritas around the world was interesting to you, and if you have any other curiosities with this name, write them in the comments! Bye friends!

Andrea Giordano
Updated Thursday, Feb 3, 2022