
Welcome to Morsasco, a small town in the heart of Piedmont

Morsasco, also known as Morzasch in the Piedmontese language, is a small and charming town located in the Ovadese Monferrato, in the province of Alessandria in Piedmont. With a population of only 631 people, Morsasco is one of those places where, as soon as you arrive, you immediately feel at home.

The town's history and its symbols

Morsasco has an ancient and interesting history, which is also reflected in the symbols of the town. The coat of arms depicts a castle with Guelph battlements, on a blue field, which recalls the fortress that stood on the territory since the 13th century. The town was a fiefdom of the Marchesi del Bosco, the Malaspina, the Counts Lodron, the Gonzaga, the Centurione, and the Pallavicino, who left important traces in the culture and architecture of the place.

Discover Morsasco in the Ovadese Monferrato: history, monuments and economy.

Monuments and places of interest

Morsasco is a little gem, with many hidden treasures to discover. The parish church of San Bartolomeo, dating back to the 16th century, is one of the most important monuments in the town. But there are also many other churches and oratories, such as San Vito, San Sebastiano e San Rocco, and San Pasquale. The Castle of Morsasco, currently a stately home of a well-known designer, was an important strategic fortress and still preserves evidence of the past, such as drawings and scratches of prisoners on the walls of the dungeons. Also not to be missed is the Clock Tower and the "Del Boia" house, dating back to 1697.

Society and economy of Morsasco

Morsasco boasts a millenary agricultural history, with the production of quality wines such as Dolcetto d'Ovada DOCG and Barbera del Monferrato DOC, and Cortese dell'Alto Monferrato DOC. But the town's economy is not limited to agriculture alone, there is also an important wire-drawing plant and other companies that provide work and development. The community of Morsasco is close-knit and supportive, animated by many associations and groups that organize events and activities for all ages.

Administration and sports

The Comune of Morsasco has been led over time by many administrations that have worked for the good of the town and its inhabitants. The typical sports of the place are tamburello, practiced in the hamlet of Caramagna, and five-a-side football, with the local team A.C. Morsasco, but there are also bocce. The main field of the team is the Comunale of Morsasco, a modern and welcoming sports facility named after Gaetano Scirea. In the town, there is also a bocciodromo, the Bocciofila morsaschese, where you can spend pleasant evenings in good company.

Morsasco in pictures

Finally, we leave you with some images of the town, to make you even more eager to come and discover it in person. Morsasco is a special place, charming and still authentic, where you breathe an atmosphere of tranquility and good conviviality. We can't wait to welcome you here!

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Sunday, Jul 3, 2022