Moriondo Torinese

Welcome to Moriondo Torinese!

Hi guys, today I'm going to talk to you about Moriondo Torinese, a beautiful municipality of 844 inhabitants located in the metropolitan city of Turin, in Piedmont. Here you will find plenty of peace and tranquility, combined with an ancient and fascinating history, where monuments and places of interest are waiting for you.

Monuments and places of interest

Let's start by talking about the Castle of Moriondo, which today is part of the private property of an industrial family from Castelnuovo Don Bosco. The Castle dates back to the XI century and was built by Landolfo, bishop of Turin, for defensive purposes from the nearby marquisate of Monferrato. The Castle dominates the town from above and is surrounded by a beautiful park that extends over a hilly relief.

The Castle of Moriondo has a really interesting history, as it was owned by the industrialist Virginio Bruni Tedeschi, grandfather of the former top model Carla Bruni, who was involved in the fashion market for years. Moreover, Bruni Tedeschi was also the mayor of the municipality for almost thirty years (from 1946 to 1974), witnessing the long tradition of public service of the Piedmontese aristocracy.

Moriondo Torinese: Between History and Nature.


Demographic evolution

Moriondo Torinese has a population of about 844 inhabitants, distributed evenly over an area of 7.18 km². Over the years, the population of the municipality has steadily increased, from the 671 inhabitants of 1961 to the 844 of 2021.


The municipality of Moriondo Torinese has a long administrative history dating back to the nineteenth century. In fact, the first municipal administration dates back to 1806, during the Napoleonic period. Since then, the municipality has had several administrations, with mayors from different political parties. Today, the mayor of Moriondo Torinese is Simone Tranfaglia, elected in 2019 with a large majority.


For those interested in discovering more about the history and traditions of Moriondo Torinese, I recommend visiting one of the local museums or participating in the numerous cultural initiatives that take place in the municipality throughout the year.

Other projects

If you are passionate about photography, I recommend visiting the municipal website, where you will find a vast collection of images of the city and its monuments. Moreover, if you are nature lovers, Moriondo Torinese offers many opportunities for walks and hikes on the beautiful hills that surround the municipality.

External links

To conclude, if you want to know more about Moriondo Torinese, I recommend visiting the official website of the municipality, where you will find all the useful information to organize your visit. Furthermore, I invite you to follow us on our social channels, where we publish news and updates on the life of the municipality. Welcome to Moriondo Torinese!

Ludovica Neri
Wrote by Ludovica Neri
Updated Wednesday, Oct 26, 2022