
Discovering Loppio: a small village immersed in nature

If you're passionate about nature and Italian history, Loppio is definitely the place for you. This village is located in the western part of the municipality of Mori, immersed in the Loppio Valley and surrounded by the Altissimo di Nago and Biaena mountains. In this article, I will accompany you to discover Loppio, through its physical geography, history, unique characteristics, monuments and places of interest, and much more.

Physical geography: the beauty of the Loppio Valley

Loppio is a village located between the municipalities of Nago-Torbole and Ronzo-Chienis and represents the passage between the Adige Valley and the basin of Lake Garda. The Loppio Valley is one of the most beautiful and suggestive in the area, characterized by a natural beauty which is sometimes wild and which preserves numerous historical and archaeological testimonies. Loppio is also characterized by a rigid and cool climate, especially during the winter months, thanks to the presence of mountains that limit direct solar illumination.

Discovering Loppio: Natural Beauty and Millennia of History.

History: from the Republic of Venice to the Great War

Loppio has a millennia-old history that makes it a unique place in the world. One of the events that made the history of this village dates back to the fifteenth century, when the Republic of Venice managed to pass a fleet through a mountain pass to control Lake Garda. Later, during the Invasion of Trentino (1703), the French troops of Louis Joseph de Bourbon-Vendôme occupied this village. But the true page of history written by Loppio has an indissoluble link with the Great War: this village, like many others in the area, was severely hit by Austrian artillery and saw the presence of Italian alpini, including Cesare Battisti.

Description: Loppio Lake and the Adige-Garda gallery

The most relevant characteristic of Loppio is the homonymous lake, now drained, but which once covered an area of about 16 hectares. Its drainage was caused by the works for the construction of the Adige-Garda gallery, whose objective was to reduce the risk brought by floods from the Adige in the Veronese territory. This gallery, still in operation, allows the waters of the Adige to flow into Lake Garda in case of flood, thus avoiding flooding.

Monuments and places of interest: Villa Castelbarco and the Church of the Name of Mary

Despite its small size, Loppio preserves numerous testimonies of the past. Villa Castelbarco is one of the most important: dating back to the fourteenth century, today it still belongs to the Castelbarco family and remains an extraordinary example of Italian historical architecture. The Church of the Name of Mary, dating back at least to the eighteenth century, is located in the immediate vicinity of Loppio Lake and is a subsidiary place of worship.

In conclusion, Loppio represents one of the hidden treasures of Italy, a small village that over the centuries has been able to preserve its natural beauty and historical testimonies. If you want to visit a place where history, nature, and architecture merge into a unique experience, Loppio is definitely the place for you.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Wednesday, Dec 14, 2022