
The Municipality of Mori: Between Vallagarina and Lake Garda

Hi everyone! Today I'll be talking about Mori, a municipality located in Trentino, in the southern area of Vallagarina. The beauty of this village lies in its unique geography, nestled between the mountains of the valley traversed by the Adige River and Lake Garda.

Physical Geography

Mori is located just southwest of Rovereto, about ten kilometers east of Lake Garda and about north of Trento, the provincial capital. The Adige River is the main watercourse of the municipality, flowing from north to south along the eastern border of the territory.

The Rio Cameras, on the other hand, characterizes the plain of Mori. It originates from Lake Loppio and flows into the Adige River. The Rio Cameras has been heavily artificialized, to the extent that for much of its course it is an open channel, and the section that runs through the village is covered.

Lake Loppio is the lake basin of the municipality, with the island of San Andrea, the site of ancient settlements. However, the lake has been reduced to a wetland for many decades, as with the construction of the Adige-Garda tunnel, which runs underneath the lake, drainage chimneys were built. Discussion has been ongoing for years regarding its restoration.

Mori: between Vallagarina and Lake Garda - Discovering an enchanting village.

The Name of the Municipality of Mori

Now, let's talk about the meaning of the name "Mori". It is traditionally associated with the mulberry tree, Morus, in botanical terms. The cultivation of mulberries, the plant that produces mulberries, has been intense since the fifteenth century, feeding the silk worm farms.

Origin and History of the Name

Actually, it's not so easy to define the origin of the name with certainty. A 845 ancient placitum refers to the name "Murius", and the name has undergone several modifications over the centuries, with forms such as "de Murio", "Morio", "Moriensis", and "Muriensis".

This would seem to contradict the tradition of the name Mori being linked to the mulberry tree. Other theories, instead, propose an origin linked to the dark soil on which the municipality stands.

The scholar Paolo Orsi proposed a theory that derives the name from "Vicus Murius", for "Murianus", a Roman name. However, this hypothesis is still the subject of debate, and not all scholars agree on it.

Even the local historian Luigi Dal Rí has put forth the hypothesis of a pre-Latin-Rhaetian origin of the name Mori, which links it to other towns in the area such as Peri and Nomi.

What to See in Mori

Now that we've explored the geography and history of the municipality, let's take a look at what to see in Mori. The village is full of treasures to discover, with nature, culture, and tradition.

Among the things not to be missed is a visit to the Castle of Mori. Built at the end of the thirteenth century by the lords of Castelbarco, the castle underwent several modifications over the centuries and now houses a museum of modern and contemporary art.

Another must-see is the Church of San Giacomo Maggiore, the main place of worship in the village. With its Romanesque-Gothic style façade and Baroque-style bell tower, the Church of San Giacomo Maggiore is a true architectural gem.

Also, in the historic center of Mori, you can admire the Palazzo delle Albere, a historic Renaissance-style building surrounded by a magnificent garden.

For nature lovers, the Adige River Park offers numerous opportunities for hiking or cycling along the riverbanks. Don't miss the Path of Peace, a scenic route among the fortifications of the Great War.

Mori's Cuisine

Finally, let's talk about Mori's cuisine. The municipality is famous for some typical products, such as carne salada, a delicious salami made from salted and aged beef, and gnocchi alla trentina with speck and cheese.

But the real specialty of Mori is wine: in the area, some of the best wines of the Trentino wine regions are produced, such as Marzemino, Teroldego, and Nosiola.


That's it, friends, our journey to discover Mori, a charming village between Vallagarina and Lake Garda. I hope I've helped you get to know this municipality better, with its rich history, culture, and natural beauty. If you have the opportunity to visit it, don't hesitate: you'll be fascinated!

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Wednesday, Dec 14, 2022