
Welcome to Mordano and Bubano!

Hello everyone! Today we will talk about Mordano and Bubano, two beautiful villages located in the metropolitan city of Bologna, in Emilia-Romagna but belonging to the territory of historical Romagna. But not only that: together we will discover their history dating back to the Middle Ages!

Bubano's History

In Byzantine Italy, the Ravenna territory was organized into "funds" and "manso" and in the fundus Bibani, a semi-marshy wooded land, the "massa Bibani" was born thanks to land reclamation promoted by the Benedictine abbey of the Church of Santa Maria in Regola. The new cultivable land attracted people from the surrounding areas and so the village of Bubano was born and a fortress was built. In 1802, the Municipality of Bubano was merged with that of Mordano.

Mordano and Bubano: Treasures of Historical Romagna

Mordano’s History

Mordano was the subject of fierce disputes between Bologna and Imola until Maghinardo Pagani took possession of the fiefdom, which he then left to his friend Matteo Ragnolo, followed by the Della Bordella from Imola and, subsequently, by the governments of Milan, Venice, Faenza, and finally by Pope Sisto IV's nephew, Girolamo Riario. When Riario died, his widow Caterina Sforza inherited Mordano along with the lordships of Imola and Forlì. Just six years after her appointment, the French destroyed the castle of Mordano in their descent towards Naples. Carlo VIII, who arrived in Romagna with two thousand soldiers, attempted to besiege the fortress of Bubano, but the resistance made him desist. Then he turned to the fortress of Mordano, took it and sacked the village, massacring the population.

In the 15th century, Bubano and Mordano were governed by a judge elected by the General Council of Imola and had the status of "castles" of the Imola district. They had to pay a predetermined share of camera duties to Imola, but they freely managed their own income and were autonomous in drawing up their budgets.


Here is the history of Mordano and Bubano! Two villages that are part of the historical Romagna and the metropolitan city of Bologna. Their history dates back to the Middle Ages with the birth of Bubano and the disputes between Bologna and Imola for the fiefdom of Mordano. Today, these two villages welcome visitors with their historical and natural treasures. Don't miss the opportunity to visit Mordano and Bubano!

Marco Damico
Wrote by Marco Damico
Updated Tuesday, May 3, 2022