
Morcone: The Municipality of Benevento Province

Hello friends, today I will tell you about Morcone, a small municipality in the province of Benevento in Campania. The town has 4,494 inhabitants and is situated on a hill of the Matese mountain range, overlooking the valley of the Tammaro River. The hilly landscape that is carved into Lake Tammaro, an artificial basin created by the Campolattaro Dam, is very picturesque.

The History of Morcone

Morcone has a long and interesting history. The current settlement was built on a Samnite settlement, the name of which is unknown. However, there are many historical remains of this settlement, such as the polygonal fortification. From 776 AD, the municipality was the seat of a Lombard gastaldato. From 1058 to 1122, it was an episcopal see and came under Norman rule.

Among the historical monuments of Morcone, the medieval castle stands out, built after the defeat of Count Giordano County of Ariano. After becoming royal property, it was endowed with municipal statutes confirmed by Margherita di Durazzo in 1381. Over the centuries, the municipality has been influenced by various noble families, such as the Gaetani, the Carafa, the De Ponte, and the Baglioni.

With the abolition of feudalism in 1806, Morcone became part of the Molise County and in 1861 decided to join the province of Benevento.

Morcone: history and beauties of the municipality in Benevento.

Places of Interest in Morcone

The historic center of Morcone is charming. It develops like a fan along a hill and the streets are made up of local stone steps. The districts each congregated around a parish church that served as an identity as well as a religious reference. Of these, three churches remain today: Santa Maria de Stampatis, San Marco, and Sant'Angelo. The church of Santa Maria de Stampatis is an impressive Romanesque structure with three naves and three apses that is worth a visit. The historic center also houses the imposing medieval castle, which is recommended for history lovers to visit.

In the locality of San Benedetto, there is a beautiful lake where you can go fishing. Finally, don't forget that the town borders the San Marco stream, where you can take lovely walks in nature.


Morcone is a municipality worth visiting, especially for those who love history and nature. If you are in the area, we suggest visiting the historic center and the medieval castle, the church of Santa Maria de Stampatis, and taking a walk along the San Marco stream. Don't forget to also visit the San Benedetto lake, where you can relax and go fishing.

Antonio Bruno
Wrote by Antonio Bruno
Updated Sunday, Dec 4, 2022