Morano Calabro

The province of Cosenza, located in Calabria, is the largest in the region and the fifth largest in Italy. With its 668,992 inhabitants, it is also the most populous province in Calabria. Its territory extends along both the Tyrrhenian and Ionian seas of Calabria and borders the Basilicata region to the north and the provinces of Catanzaro and Crotone to the south.

Physical Geography


The provincial territory is characterized by the presence of mountains and hills, with wide stretches of coastline and a vast plain area. There are three large artificial lakes: Cecita-Mucone, Arvo, and Ampollino, as well as smaller ones. The longest river in Calabria is the Crati, which flows through the homonymous valley located in the capital city of Cosenza and the plain of Sibari before flowing into the Ionian Sea. The province also has two important gulfs: the Gulf of Policastro and the Gulf of Corigliano.

The province of Cosenza: between mountains, coast and culture.

Passes and Valleys

The province of Cosenza is characterized by the presence of four mountainous formations, each of which presents significant passes and valleys. Among the main ones are the Passo dello Scalone, which is located in the Massif of Pollino, the Valico Sierra del Fiego in the Sila, the Passo Crocetta in the Coastal Chain, and the Passo dello Scalone in the Orsomarso Mountains.


The four mountainous formations in the province of Cosenza are the Massif of Pollino, the Coastal Chain, the Orsomarso, and the Sila. Among the main mountains in the area are Monte Pollino, Monte Pecoraro, Monte Altarino, Monte Spina, and Monte Botte Donato.


The province of Cosenza has 150 municipalities, making it the first in Calabria in terms of the number of municipalities. The most populous municipality in the province is Corigliano-Rossano, which was formed in 2017 after a referendum and has a population of 74,057.


The province of Cosenza is home to the University of Calabria, located in Arcavacata. Founded in 1972, it offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate courses and is considered one of the most prestigious universities in southern Italy.

In conclusion, the province of Cosenza is a diverse territory that offers numerous natural landscapes, from mountains and hills to valleys and beaches. Its vast plain area, the presence of important watercourses and the two gulfs make it ideal for agriculture and fishing. The presence of the University of Calabria also offers high-level study and work opportunities in the area.

Paola Santoro
Wrote by Paola Santoro
Updated Sunday, Oct 16, 2022