
Welcome to Monzuno!

Hello everyone! In this article, I will talk about Monzuno, a municipality located in the province of Bologna in Emilia-Romagna. I will show you the beauty of the area and tell you about some interesting historical events. Get ready for an exciting guide!

Physical Geography

If you want to spend your vacation in the mountains, Monzuno can be your ideal choice! This resort is located on the northern slope of Monte Venere, an area of the Bolognese Apennines rich in natural attractions. The area is characterized by a landscape alternating between mountain hills, wooded slopes, and rivers such as Setta, Sambro, and Savena. Among the natural attractions of the area, I recommend visiting the belvedere of Monte Venere, which at an altitude of 966 meters offers a breathtaking view of the Reno river valley. Moreover, if you are interested in local history, do not miss a visit to the Monte Sole Historical Park, where the Monte Sole massacre took place.

Monzuno, the perfect holiday resort in the Bolognese Apennines.


The climate of Monzuno is classified as E zone with 2835 GR/G. In summer, the temperature can reach 30 degrees, but it is more likely to be around 25 degrees. In winter, the climate is cold and humid, with temperatures that can be very low, especially at night.


The area of Monzuno has a very ancient history. In particular, there are many place names that recall deities of the Roman religion. The name of the town is thought to derive from Mons Jovis (Mount of Jupiter) or Mons Junonis (Mount of Juno), but some theories claim that it simply derives from the Latin word "mons", which means "mountain". In the autumn of 1376, the people of Bologna destroyed the ancient castle of Monte Castello, located in the area.

Subsequently, Monzuno became a very important feudal domain, which hosted a renowned hospital and a high judiciary. In addition, the city was the seat of the jurisdiction of an authoritative vicariate, which later became a podesteria. During this period, Monzuno was located on one of the most important connecting roads between Bologna and Florence. The road followed the ridge path instead of the course of the valleys and passed through various villages, such as Monterumici, Monzuno, Trasasso, Le Croci, and Cedrecchia. After the construction of the Futa road at the end of the 19th century, the ancient road was abandoned, damaging the feudal domain of Monzuno.

One of the most important transformations that occurred in Monzuno was the construction of the new Bologna-Florence railway line, called Ferrovia Bologna-Firenze (direttissima), between 1914 and 1934. The crossing of Setta required the construction of the longest bridge on the line, which was 320 meters long and had 14 arches.

During World War II, the municipality of Monzuno was severely hit by the air bombardments of May 1944. The fraction of Vado, located on the right bank of the Setta river, suffered serious damages due to the presence of the Direttissima railway viaduct. The capital, on the other hand, located on the mountain overlooking the Setta, managed to remain relatively unscathed and still retains its original character today.


Here is a brief guide to Monzuno, the perfect resort for those who want to spend their vacation in the mountains. The area offers many natural attractions and an important history that is worth knowing. I recommend visiting the area in spring or summer, when the temperature is milder and the landscape is truly breathtaking. What are you waiting for? Come and discover Monzuno!

Marco Damico
Wrote by Marco Damico
Updated Wednesday, Sep 21, 2022