
The Life of Andrea Fortebraccio

Hello friends, today I would like to talk to you about Andrea Fortebraccio, a very interesting historical figure! Andrea Fortebraccio was born in Perugia or in the castle of Montone, into a noble family composed of Oddo Fortebraccio, Count of Montone, and Giacoma Montemelini.

From a young age, Andrea was drawn to a military career and began working as a page in Guido d'Asciano's company. Still young, the Fortebraccio family was forced into exile from Perugia due to the defeat of the popular faction nobles, known as the "Beccherini."

Andrea then joined the Compagnia di ventura, entering the company of San Giorgio di Alberico da Barbiano, Count of Cunio. In 1390, he returned to Montone, where he allied with two brothers and assassinated three members of the opposing faction, the "Raspanti."

This bold action earned him a bounty on his head and the nickname "Braccio," replacing his original name, Andrea. He later decided to form a company of fifteen knights to fight the Malatesta on behalf of the Da Montefeltro.

After being wounded in battle in 1391, Braccio remained lame in his left leg, but his injury did not stop him from being involved in various military campaigns.

The Achievements of Andrea Fortebraccio

In 1397, Andrea joined the service of the Republic of Florence and the following year fought on behalf of the Papal States in the war against Perugia. In 1400, when Perugia was conquered by the Visconti, Braccio continued to fight throughout Italy.

In 1402, he served the Pontiffs in the battle against the Visconti, before returning to his life as a mercenary. In 1403, when Bologna, Assisi and Perugia came under the control of the Papal States, the noble Perugians of the "Raspanti" obtained that the exiles could not approach within twenty miles of the city.

Andrea Fortebraccio: wars and titles in the history of medieval Italy.

Titles and Recognitions

Andrea Fortebraccio was not only a skilled fighter, but also had great political influence. He was the prince of Capua, count of Foggia and Montone, Lord of Arcevia, Assisi, Bologna, Cannara, Castel Bolognese, Castel San Pietro Terme, Cingoli, Città della Pieve, Città di Castello, Gualdo Cattaneo, Gualdo Tadino, Jesi, Medicine, Montecassiano, Narni, Nocera Umbra, Orte, Orvieto, Ostra Vetere, Perugia, Pieve di Cento, Rieti, San Gemini, Sassoferrato, Spello, Spoleto, Teramo, Terni and Todi. In addition, he was the general captain of the Church, Constable of the Kingdom of Naples and senator of Rome.

With his skills and achievements, Andrea Fortebraccio was almost ready to form a state of his own in central Italy in the 15th century!


In conclusion, the life of Andrea Fortebraccio was very intense, between wars and conquests, but also between recognitions and titles. Fortebraccio was undoubtedly an important figure in the history of medieval Italy and is remembered for his military exploits and political influence. I hope you have found this short biography interesting and that you have learned something about this prominent figure in medieval Italy!

Federico Conte
Updated Monday, Jan 2, 2023