
Discovering Montirone: a small town on the Brescia plain

Montirone is a charming town located on the plain south of Brescia, in Lombardy. With just over 5000 inhabitants, this urban center offers tranquility and peace away from the chaos of the big city, but there are still many reasons to visit and discover its treasures.

Physical geography

The territory of Montirone is flat and crossed by several waterways, such as the Naviglio di Brescia, the Molinara, the Gheda and the Pedrona. Thanks to these waterways, the area is particularly fertile and cultivated, offering visitors beautiful landscapes that can be admired by walking along the canals.

Montirone: discover the beauty of the small city in Brescia.

Origin of the name

The origin of the name Montirone is still a matter of debate among scholars, but it seems to derive from the term "monterone". According to some, it refers to a small hillock or bump, while others believe it derives from "Monte di terra" or "Monterius" in Latin.


Medieval epoch

Montirone is an ancient Brescia municipality, already recorded in the viscount's estimate of 1385. In the following centuries, the territory changed hands until, in the 14th century, the bishop of Milan Tommaso Visconti granted the fief of the "Curia de Montirono" to the Visconti chancellor Filippino Emili.

During the war between Milan and the Republic of Venice, Montirone remained faithful to the former and the threat of Milanese to the city of Brescia began.

Venetian epoch

During the Venetian period, Montirone was included in the "quadra" of Ghedi and in 1504, the fief was granted to Niccolò Orsini, Duke of Pitigliano. However, the Emili family maintained several properties in the area, contributing to the development of agriculture and building a farmhouse named after them.

Napoleonic and Habsburg epoch

In the 18th century, Montirone experienced great development thanks to the Lechi counts. Their great presence in the area made it possible to build a sumptuous palace, canals and hydraulic systems to irrigate the countryside, and the reconstruction of the main church.

Among the great patrons was Faustino Lechi, who hosted Leopold Mozart and his son Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in his home.

Montirone today

Montirone is an ideal place to visit a small but very interesting town, rich in history and ancient traditions. You can admire beautiful historical homes, cultivated fields, and churches that testify to the culture and faith of the locals.

In addition, Montirone offers numerous events throughout the year, such as the interesting "Mostra Mercato", which takes place every year in June and presents local products, crafts, and typical cuisine.

In short, Montirone is a small city of great prestige, capable of fascinating visitors with its natural beauty and rich hidden history.

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Wednesday, Nov 16, 2022