Monticello Conte Otto

Monticello Conte Otto: a brief history of the Venetian municipality

Monticello Conte Otto is located in the province of Vicenza, in Veneto. The municipality has about 8,821 inhabitants and is made up of various hamlets, but the most populous is Cavazzale, where many public services and commercial activities can be found. The name of the municipality derives from that of Count Ottone, who obtained the area as a fief from the bishop of Vicenza. Here is a brief history of Monticello Conte Otto divided into two sections: "Toponyms" and "Middle Ages."


Monticello Conte Otto is first mentioned in 1118 and was initially called Monticellum Domini Octonis. The name means "small hill" and refers to a terrain relief still visible today to the north of the parish nursery school. The second name, Domini Octonis, refers to the name of the feudal count Ottone Bonamici. Cavazzale, instead, means "head" or "end," because there the forest of the city of Vicenza ended. Finally, Vigardolo derives from the Latin "vicus," which means village.

Monticello Conte Otto: Venetian History and Tradition

Middle Ages

During the High Middle Ages, Monticello's territory was almost entirely covered by forests, swamps, and marshes, caused by the floods of the Astico River. After the river was diverted eastwards, in the 12th century, deforestation and reclamation began, and therefore the settlement of the first inhabitants who gave life to three small rural communities, each with its administrative organization.

The oldest news regarding the presence of a castle in Vigardolo is recorded in the "Confinii colturarum" in 1277. In that year, the castle had to be operational, while in 1435 it was already abandoned and in ruins. The subsequent documents concerning the assets of the Valmarana family in Vigardolo, including the house with the roggia near the ruined castle, suggest that it later stood on the site subsequently occupied by Villa Valmarana (Vigardolo), built in the 16th century. This hypothesis is supported by the basic structure of the building, the way the surroundings are distributed, and the fact that the villa also has clearly medieval underground chambers.

In 1353, during the Scaligeri dominion, Monticello received important privileges from the Municipality of Vicenza, including the responsibility of bringing the water of the Tribolo roggia to the Gate of Santa Lucia in Borgo Scroffa, at its own expense. This flow of water was maintained until the 18th century before being buried during the construction of the Cimitero Maggiore of Vicenza.


Monticello Conte Otto is a municipality rich in history and tradition, a city that developed thanks to the tenacity and industriousness of its inhabitants. The surrounding territory includes a vast forest and hilly area, which offers many opportunities for excursions and day trips. The municipality also hosts various attractions such as Villa Valmarana (Vigardolo) and a series of churches of great artistic and cultural interest. In general, Monticello Conte Otto is an ideal place for a tourist visit, especially for those who love to discover the beauties of nature and the history of the Venetian territory.

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Monday, Jan 24, 2022