Monticelli Brusati

Welcome to Monticelli Brusati!

Hello everyone! Today I will be telling you about Monticelli Brusati, a small town of 4568 people located in the province of Brescia, in the beautiful region of Lombardy.

Geographical location

The location of Monticelli Brusati is truly unique: it is located between the Brescian Prealps and the hills of Franciacorta and is part of both the Consortium for the Protection of Franciacorta and the Bresciano Sebino Mountain Community. This means that the territory is very diverse and suitable for many activities, including viticulture.

Discover Monticelli Brusati: a town located between the Brescian Prealps and Franciacorta.

The hamlets

A particular feature of this town is its 14 hamlets, each with its own peculiarities and medieval origins. You can visit Villa, Bozze, Calchera, Costa, San Zenone, Fontana, Parmezzana, Calzana, Dosso, Colombaia, Baiana, Foina, Gaina, and Torre, each with its own charm and history.

Patron saints' festivals

But let's talk about the patron saints' festivals! Every town has its own, and Monticelli Brusati is no exception. Here, we celebrate S. Zenone (first Sunday of August) and SS. Tirso and Emiliano (November 22), occasions on which the hamlets come together and create moments of joy and sharing.

Physical geography

Speaking of the physical geography of Monticelli Brusati, I cannot fail to mention the morainic hills that characterize it and that were shaped by a glacier in the Quaternary era. This means that the soil is very suitable for viticulture, as I mentioned earlier. To appreciate the erosive action exerted by the streams on the Mesozoic limestone, I recommend taking the trail of the Gaina waterfalls, a true beauty!

Origin of the name

Finally, I want to tell you about the origin of the name Monticelli Brusati. Like many Italian place names, it is composed of two parts. The first part, Monticelli, refers to the hill reliefs typical of the pre-Alpine area and can be found in both singular and plural form. The second part refers to the ancient noble family of Brusati, who settled in Monticelli in the mid-11th century.

Thank you for reading this short presentation of Monticelli Brusati and I hope it has made you want to visit this town that has so much to offer!

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Sunday, Jul 10, 2022